The iPhone X wasn't the first phone with face recognition, but it was the first with one that worked reliably and securely. However, far more Android phones are released from a variety of vendors every year, so it's just a matter of scale that hardware running Google's platform is swifter to adapt. Beyond the core iOS vs.
Android argument, we have the big updates coming for both operating systems. Android 12 is a huge design shift from previous versions, offering the Material You design language that caters itself to you with casual theming. There's also a new privacy dashboard and a whole host of other features. If you're interested, check out our Android 12 article. With iOS 15 comes the new Focus mode and a slight overhaul to notifications, revamps to many core apps like FaceTime and Wallet, and a bunch more that we don't have time to discuss here.
If you're interested, check out our iOS 15 coverage. But neither of these updates changes Android's or iOS' strengths, just fortifies them. And despite a world of difference between the two, there's a lot of overlap. Notifications in iOS 15, for example, are getting as close to Android's as possible with Apple outright copying the model.
Android 12 is taking privacy more seriously, with very iOS-like microphone and camera indicators when either or both of those are active. And they both now feature breakdowns of what your apps have been doing lately.
As we approach the final software releases, we're all paying attention to the impending launch of Pixel 6. We've already gotten our hands on the four iPhone 13 models and they're all impressive in their own ways. Both phones will or do showcase the best that the two operating systems have to offer. From camera and display upgrades to new advancements in AI and machine learning, this fall is looking like it's going to be the best one yet for Android and iOS fans alike.
And if you're platform-agnostic, you have even more to look forward to. Android 12 and iOS 15 look wildly different and still have their core design philosophies intact, but now more than ever, they're remarkably similar.
The things I've talked about above remain true, so your decision on whether iPhone or Android is better for you comes down to which of the strengths appeal more to you.
So then, iPhone or Android: Which should you choose? Both platforms have pros and cons, and, as with many purchase decisions, your choice will depend on what you value most.
Owning an iPhone is a simpler, more convenient experience. There's less to think about, and because Apple's iPhone represents the single most popular brand of smartphone, there's an abundance of support everywhere you go — whether you need your battery replaced or you're just trying to pick up a new case. Android-device ownership is a bit harder in those respects. Yet it's simultaneously more freeing, because it offers more choice — choice of how much you want to spend, choice of hardware and software features, and choice in how you organize and personalize your experience.
If you're extremely particular about the technology you use, you might find Android more liberating — dare I say, fun — though you'll also likely lament the relative lack of high-quality apps and accessories. If you're wondering which particular device you should switch to, there's no better place to start than our lists of the best iPhones and best Android phones. Whichever device you pick, just make sure it fits with your operating system preferences. Jordan is the Phones Editor for Tom's Guide, covering all things phone-related.
He loves nothing more than relaxing in his home with a book, game, or his latest personal writing project. It's hard to nail down one thing that Jordan is passionate about, since his attention span for a single given topic or activity doesn't last long. Jordan tends to lurk on social media, but you can best reach him on Twitter. The iPhone vs. Jordan Palmer.
Topics Smartphones. See all comments 0. No comments yet Comment from the forums. Should we be allowed access to foundational things like IMEI? No prizes for guessing which of the two companies is tracking users more closely.
There are a few other things to consider when comparing Android vs iOS. While removable batteries are disappearing, what few remain are the exclusive domain of Android. Ditto for removable storage which is a real boon, especially for audiophiles, shutterbugs and travelers. The same can be said about the latest from Google and Samsung. Generally speaking, stick with a manufacturer you know rather than being wowed by raw specs.
Take a look in the Ting Shop and use the filters to narrow down on brand, price and other factors to hone in on the right phone for you. Cookies support Cookies are currently disabled in your browser. Browser Support We want to make sure you have an outstanding Ting experience.
The iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus, for example, have pretty much the same specs, the main difference being screen size and resolution. The same general argument applies to the iPads, even though there are more choices than with their smartphone counterparts. This naturally follows on from the first point on our list on why Android is better than iPhone.
A wide variety of devices with different designs and specs means that Android has something for you at just about any budget. Almost anyone can afford an Android phone. It might not be all singing and dancing, but there are solid budget options that give people a true smartphone experience.
This is even more true in than it was when we first created this list in Affordability has been a key driver for Android dominance worldwide, and it continues to be. If you want premium devices that match and surpass the iPhone or iPad then you can find them, but if you want a budget device, then Android is really your only choice.
One of the strong points of Android has always been the level of customization it allows. While Apple wants to keep control of default apps in order to maintain a homogenous software and hardware experience, Android lets you pick your own level of customization. This extends all the way from simple things like live wallpapers, to alternative keyboards, to custom ROM installs.
Plenty of iOS users loved it when Apple started allowing third-party keyboards and basic widgets, and that on its own is proof that this flexibility is what people want. Some manufacturers are even allowing complex hardware customization. Those are just a few examples of something Apple will never do for you. Consider yourself lucky to have champagne gold and rose gold available… that is pretty revolutionary for Apple. And yes, we know Apple introduced widgets last September. Have you seen those things?
They are very limited and live only on your notification area. Topics Android. See all comments Actually the both suck. Give me a clamshell with real keys that won't start an app, dial a number, or otherwise screw things up unlike any touchscreen phone out there.
Also ios and apple devices is selfish and doesn't support multitasking operations , its only for entertainments and kids usage , people whos have limited thinking and non professional of using smart phones they going to use apple products , viva android and viva google and big thanks for samsung and thier technologies. Since I had commented on the article about why the iPhone is 'better' than android, basically explaining why it's not, I guess I should mention here some of Apple's strengths over Android.
One Eco system. If you buy strictly Apple products, the hardware will work among each other without issue. Lack of variety. While a weakness in some respects, the fact that there are a limited number of different iPhones out there means there are less of a chance for bugs in Apps. This also means apps can be optimized on iPhone.
This makes it a strength. The Gucci factor: Most Apple fans buy their products not because of the hardware, but because of it's appearance and 'prestige' that comes with it. My wife is definitely guilty of this one as she bought an iPhone because "All her rich friends have one" and "it's better looking than an Android phone".
If you 'must' have an iWatch, the iPhone is the only game in town to use it. I personally wouldn't call it a strength though; since the iWatch is not impressive at all. Stulys on Note series with 3D levels Better Google ecosystem integration upscale desktop, chomebook… As least there is no os fragmentation problems with iPhone.