Thas all. As I already mentioned prior.. Research the African Dogon tribe who believe their ancestors came from Sirius.. Research Aboriginal Mythology and for that matter.. No matter what YOU believe or I myself believe.. It does not change the fact that these are ideals and concepts that they have shown and explained that they themselves do believe sir. Facts are facts. Like saying prove that Christian ideology believes that Jesus was real and came from an omnipotent being from the heavens they call God.
All I can say about that. And your facetious responses only show you intend to be concondescending and not actually care to engage in debate with any actual interest on the matter.. You should stop using the Dogon people as an example. The first clue is their knowledge of Sirius B, which no culture without very sophisticated astronomical equipment developed only in the late 19th century could possibly know even existed.
Are you seriously speaking for people of color? People who deny racist ideologies as being factors in these contemporary issues are by default inherently racist. You ask us. You speak to us. You come to us and you learn our stories and our beliefs.
You will never find us in a history book or online. You could never conceptualize why we include the stars and planets in our spirituality and cosmologies. Or how those play out in our beautiful ceremonies, the ceremonies we still practice today. Tell us more on how the Egyptians have nothing to do with Ancient Egypt despite Copts showing continuity in language and them with other Egyptians showing genetic continuity.
Cleopatra was the last Pharroh before Egypt fell to the Roman Empire. Most of their culture was lost and pillaged by grave robbers. Very few remembered Ancient Egyptians, only the pyramids were visable above the sand.
Most of their story wad known from the story of Exidus. No one could read their writing until the Rosetta Stone was found, after which a few figured out how to speak ancient Egyptian, using the Rosetta Stone and modern dialects.
There are modern Egyptians that do carry ancient blood, but most are now Muslim. Modern Egyptologist discovery new things everyday that the world has forgotten. Egypt was already a Roman client state before Cleopatra, and became a full province upon her death. Cleopatra was also Ptolemy, of Greek and Macedonian descent, not Egyptian. Exactly, I tend to paraphrase. But this leads to my point regarding the article. Many of their artifacts stolen or destroyed when the library at Alexandria burn down and fell into the Mediterranean Sea.
Explaining their achievements by alien intervention…. Easy at the time of the book, besides hundreds of mummies and their stuctures, king Tut was the still the biggest find. It happens to many books. That are a lot more racial issues going on in the current world that are way more serious than a 60 year old book. I am glad that there are people that are aware of the history of Eygpt.
The countless UFOs caught on radar performing high speed maneuvers that would flatten humans like bugs are not evidence? Well their sure as hell no proof they helped the Mayans build their own civilizations.
But their is more evidence that proves they did build Rome and Greece. I wonder why Northern Europeans never had any worthy civilizations, but built mud huts, carved out of hillsides! You are not the one affected by these theories.
Africans and especially Egyptians are the ones who bear the brunt of these racist views. The Mayans in Mexico or the Incas in Latin America are the ones who bear the brunt of these racists views. They have to deal with the fact that their history is being erased by influential foreigners who pretend to believe in aliens only when it suits them. They do not seem to believe in aliens when it comes to Greek or Roman civilisations, ohh those were obviously built by white men.
Actually, yes they do, and I have even seen that ridiculous show delve into American history. Thanks, well said. Nothing in this article tackles the hard parts, like how master stone masons present today say they COULD NOT do what was done with bronze tools and sand. Nobody today on this planet has reproduced the tech, but instead of looking at the hard questions, get some easy air time with yet ONE more article explaining how racism explains everything.
I often suspect those crying racism have something entirely different to prove. Hey, we found a ramp. Your argument is not completely accurate. Even if it may be true that the racist said that all civilisation were built by aliens which i very much doubt, by the way , it is also true that nobody in current times says that Rome or Greece were built by aliens.
That stupidity is heard from these racists only as it apertains to ancient Egypt, Inca civilisation or Mayan civilisation in Peru and Mexico. I am yet to see these overt racists create a youtube video about how their precious Greek civilisation was created by aliens. Greek and Roman civilization is completely documented! A perusal of the episode descriptions blows this ridiculous racism theory right out of the water.
Thanks for replying. I appreciate your point of view. Many of such people have such opinions — that greek gods could be real beings who pretended to be gods. The television show that spawned from the book has referenced Greek mythology several times. Hell, they even had a whole episode on comic book heroes if you can believe that. You know damn well ancient astronaut cranks have beaten those last two into the ground.
No, anti science. I am not on board, I am a skeptic. But it irks me when skeptics want to have it both ways. Which is it? They are siding with cherry picked mythological accounts from the very cultures they are accused of discrediting. Many of the Egyptian Pharaohs were black, as both queen Cleopatra and Mary Magdalene were reputed to be, plus one or two Roman Emperors.
I always thought the books and shows were funny to watch and sometimes just ridiculous. But I never once felt like our race was being attacked. This is not a news report. You might disagree with Dr. Its total bullshit and its racist in itself. Accusing things of being racist when they are not is essentially you being a racist. What does this have to do with the Thousand Oaks shooting?
Why are you so threatened just because someone suggests something could be racist? Chill out dude. The divide that is suppose to be shrinking. In your support for this your are inherently racist just like I said above.
Calling something racist when it is not racist is racism because you are furthering the gap between people in this country. Get with the picture sister.
I think you need to chill out with your ignorance. I stated the correlation between the two in my opinion. I think you need to chill out because you are the only one contradicting yourself.
Talking about people getting upset about racism when that is what the whole article is about. It is stating that the ancient alien tv show is racist and it is not.
Obviously your entire goal here was to just to come in here and bash people and their opinion. Stop being ignorant and contradicting and read for once in your life correctly. Just like the author in this article has stated that the ancient aliens tv show is racist.
I do not agree. I have experienced real racism and this tv show is not racist. Get with the picture or get out. More like specism. We have to remain open to the idea that a civilization capable of such feats would also be capable of being multiracial, just saying. Right on! I said it is bible thumping fundys who are truly responsible for national ignorance, and by extension, every amoral, anti-science, anti-ethical political whore who swallows utter bullshit hook line and sinker from whatever source.
Your hostility towards this possibility is quite interesting. You can always pick a boring radical. Enough already villain. It helps to read the comment before responding blindly with childish insults. Everyone else can see what he actually said. Also, he makes a very good point which you chose to completely ignore. I read his piece. You should read both his and mine again if you can be bothered to toss yourself further over how clever and mature you are.
Paul was just defending me, because of your negative emotional charge. That charge was the reason I originally responded to you — it means that doubting the academic view somehow endangers your view of the world. But if you want to live with reason, you should not fall for dogma. Doubt is a good thing. Paul adressed the point I made, would you like to respond to have some discussion — this time actually on topic? How could the people of egypt shape granite with bronze tools? How could Incas shape their stones?
Move them without knowing the concept of wheel? How would you adress such inconsistencies? He seems to salivate when the topic comes up, to pun a phrase. As to the latter, despite some articles in the Internet and YouTube emphasizing that Africans are of a Sirius B origin, OR even migrated from a far flung planet when the Lyrans were still genetically creating the Nordic — the story was that the Aliens came from a desert planet with lots of Gold but scarce WATER so the former was useless to them and they fled their world because their sun was drying up what precious little water was left, African Americans have to spew their prejudices and HATRED on any article about the Pleiadians, Nordic etc; that come up.
That too gets old. The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men is ambiguous. Are the Sons of God those who continued in the closeness with God as Adam had, and the Daughters of Men a different group? There are some who use the Book of Enoch which is either apocryphal or pseudepigraphic , to put forth their idea of fallen angels mating with humans or in the case of Ancient Alien folks extraterrestrials.
In Ancient Astronaut theory, these are very human although very technologically etc; advanced extraterrestrials.
In any case, there is a pornographic obsession with this legend on the Ancient Aliens program; only Linda Molton Howe is the ONLY presenter neither titillated nor obsessed about it. Generally based on the Book of Enoch, but the original Hebrew and later translations leave a very loose statement.
The passage is ambiguous enough to allow differing opinions. I was just presenting one where it could mean godly man and women who did not know God. I would say Roman and Greek technology, while similarly impressive, is generally better documented and their processes conceivable.
The book and the show tend to focus on the more unexplainable feats of engineering. They then use that premise to suggest that beings far more technicolgically advanced than any modern human could be capable of doing those things. I am quite sure those fabulous accomplishments were a product of brilliant minds of all respective races. They should get credit for that. Regrettably their documentation is lacking.
Enter ancient astronaut theory AAT -a fantastical way to explain those impressive structures! I cannot speak to the motives of others and sadly there may be some that would laughably use AAT to do just that, but I would think that would be a very small group-a said, sad little group.
I cannot accept the idea of AAT racism as any more believable than the idea that aliens are responsible for building the pyramids. Just because the Romans and Greeks documented the building of their civilization doesnt mean squat!
Because IF they built other Civilizations elsewhere, they probably built Greece and Rome too, since man was so pitiously inadequate at that time. Like Fox Mulder, I want to believe.
My argument was simply that there was at knowledge of the process versus mere speculation regarding other ancient civilizations. Nice try, but nothing explains the machining of stone to within microns using bronze era tools. This is just another attempt to conceal the truth behind our alien ancestor lineage. Institutional racism is real, but the ancient aliens notion is fun and whimsical. Thanks for trying to ruin it.
You have a sorry sense of whimsy. Never believed the alien crap. I Loved ancient Egyptian study.. No racism…she was considered his favorite Bride. He had lots btw. See science fiction writers are dreamers. Just like all of these writers, their books are Fantasies. Mankind is dumb to believe in aliens, and not their fellow man being smarter, stronger and really good at everything.. Are they now claiming that Africans were the actual aliens?
Thank you for an extremely interesting and well-researched article. Instead, they pretend that it must have been done by an alien life force. People make up outlandish stories with no factual basis to explain it, but the simple explanation is lost knowledge. For example, the Romans invented concrete. The original Roman concrete, ironically, still outperforms many modern versions in strength and longevity. No aliens involved.
Copies of De architectura On architecture, published as Ten Books on Architecture a treatise on architecture written by the Roman architect and military engineer Marcus Vitruvius Pollio which contains several versions for opus caementicium Concrete were in existence and known by various societies continuously since the books were written about BCE. There a lot of accounts of the books being in the palace scriptorium of Charlemagne in the early 9th century.
These were almost certainly copied from Byzantine sources, which also was the source for the Arabic empire use of the writing as the basis of its extensive engineering capacity. Roman construction could be just a poor and badly done as any throughout history. Roman writing of the time shows construction failure were commonplace before CE, with lots of accounts of building with concrete suddenly collapsing.
There are examples of post CE Byzantine construction which used the Pozzolana concrete at times when they had control of southern Italy. Modern, regularly produced concretes have strengths up to MPa or 19, psi weather resistance and workability that is far superior to anything the Romans could have made. There is this certain head-of-state right now who is particularly good at this…. Yes, but in the case of ethnic Americans Native Americans , old was definitely better, before the mass immigration of the Euro hordes and their slaves.
Are you trying to say that Egypt has no ties ancestral ties with Africa? That haplogroup being prominent among Egyptians. The pyramids at Giza and elsewhere are a human achievement. Not an ET achievement. There is no more evidence for life capable of interplanetary travel than there is for gods and the Tooth Fairy.
Plato, a great thinker not because he was white, because his philosophy was well documented and nearly his entire works have survived in tact thought we had beams shooting out of our eyes to explain eyesight.
As silly as that sounds to modern man, still considers him one of the greatest documented minds of all time and values his works. Even the greats can be wrong. It just is. How about looking at the evidence before u shout racism? Do u think in the 19th Century we had craft in the air traveling at mph,or even in the ,s? In Columbus discovered America not the Indians that were here for thousands of years and was Columbus give me a break time to change our education system and for people to take over on facts not censorship and lies.
There is zero evidence that any other technological intelligence ever evolved within our galaxy at least. However, historians will tell you this is inherently false. From the vacuum of order after the fall of the Roman Empire to the burning of the Library of Alexandria to tales of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, even Euro-centric scholars have proof that societies rose and fell in cycles throughout world history.
However if you watch Ancient Aliens , all of these complex civilizations are proof of the interference of some higher beings. Since many of these societies in question are non-white, there is an implicit suggestion that non-white cultures could not possibly have developed their own technological or artistic knowledge on their own. It is a bias that reeks of racism, if not a severe lack of imagination.
Historians and archaeologists actually have a long-rooted habit of refusing to believe that non-white civilizations could have been sophisticated in their own right. In Episode 3, host Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. When white archaeologists uncovered some of the spectacular sculptures Ife was known for, they decided that the exquisite masks or busts had to be connected to the mythic city of Atlantis.
Future scholars have thankfully proven that this gorgeous art came from a medieval African culture and not a metaphoric mind exercise invented by Plato. Of course, when we talk about Ancient Aliens , we also have to ask whom is this show for? Most problematic, Card finds, is Coppens' invokation of "the destruction of the Library of Alexandria and other book burnings as suppression of ancient truth without recognizing his own call for the destruction of the scientific order, replacing scientific investigation with a new history of mysticism and myth.
Image via wikimedia commons user Teomancimit, used under Other books in the review section focus on specific sites or cultures and illustrate that the popular author has artificially selected which information to present. Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt by Robert Bauval and Thomas Brophy, reviewed by archaeologist Ethan Watrall, misunderstands both astronomy and the Bible to show that the Egyptian state was "black African" yet also manages to accurately point out that academic archaeology has for a long time ignored sub-Saharan Africa.
The southwestern U. While Lekson admits that David is on to something with his "loose, journalistic style," the "content [of the book] is fantastic, it is phenomenal, it is flabbergasting, it is Cooper's highest praise is that it "would make a useful reference for an Introduction to Logic course because the book is a veritable catalogue of logical fallacies.
Auerbach points out that he personally has studied many of the skeletons Dewhurst mentions and "none had statures over six feet. The primary theme among these popular pseudoarchaeology books that professionals have a major problem with is ethnocentrism, or the idea that we can judge other cultures based on the yardstick of our own. But racism figures in here too. Archaeologist Larry Zimmerman reviews The Lost Colonies of Ancient America by Frank Joseph, who insists that mainstream archaeologists are the ones ignoring information on transoceanic voyages and that any number of past civilizations may have colonized the New World first.
Zimmerman, though, notes that "Joseph echoes half a millennium of speculation geared toward inventing a deep Old World history in the Americas, thereby challenging the primacy of American Indians in the hemisphere, or at least implying their inferiority, their poor stewardship of the land, and the need to civilize them, all in the service of Manifest Destiny and justification for taking their land.
The similarity is substantial, Ruskamp insists, but Quinlan calls it "another illustration of deductive thinking at its worst. Archaeologists are trained as anthropologists to recognize and celebrate the diversity of humanity, both today and in the past. Eric Cline succinctly explains this in his review, noting "pseudoarchaeologists cannot accept the fact that the mere humans might have come up with great innovations such as the domestication of plants and animals or built great architectural masterpieces such as the Sphinx all on their own; rather, they frequently seek or invoke divine, or even alien, assistance to explain how these came to be.
Pseudoarchaeology books are problematic for archaeologists for a number of reasons. First, of course, they tend to present misinformation, cherry-picked from legitimate and not-so-legitimate sources that is often taken as fact because it's presented as fact. Archaeologists, as scientists, can no more select what data to consider than a chemist can select which laws of chemistry to follow.