What do zigtechs do

The shoes are very light; no more than 12 ounces grams each. The true secret of the shoe is actually the zig-zag base from which the name of the shoe derives. The squiggly foam, according to many shaped to resemble a heartbeat monitor, is light and flexible which allows for great amortization and support.

The shoes also have a distinct springiness which becomes more and more noticeable as the runner increases his speed. This is because each part of the foam acts independently, allowing for smooth absorption of the impact. In addition, the shoe uses a common Pump Technology that has been known for the past 20 years however its efficiency has been debated by many.

Other than the advanced base, the shoe has all the characteristics and typical traits of athletic shoes. The toe box, heel cup and the footbed, as experts like to call them, are all areas of the shoe that the ZigTech shares with regular trainers.

ZigTech comes in a variety of colors and models but thanks to the Reebok website it is possible to customize your own shoe according to preference. Upon impact with a surface, energy is sent from heel to toe and up to the body allowing the return of some energy lost during the contact with the ground. The stable heel and the soft base provide a strong frame that firmly fits your foot.

The shoe is set to rap itself around the foot of the user, fitting it with great precision. Upon exercising, the flexible foam smoothly reacts with the ground. Each part bends independently to fit the irregularities in the surface, providing an even run.

The shoes have been said to be very breathable which is quite useful; the feet do not get as sweaty and the ZigTechs are much more comfortable. This trait can also prevent a variety of blisters or burns from forming on your feet, something that can really effect the running form of regular runners.

Like in most cases, different people have different opinions and impressions about a product however the ZigTechs have received a large quantity of positive responses. Many athletes, performing a variety of sports ranging from American football to Formula 1 racing, have been endorsing this new shoe model. Among them has been Martin Fagan, an Irish Olympic Marathoner who has been using and adapting the ZigTechs to his daily workout routine.

He pointed out the fact that the shoes allowed him to run longer distances and recover faster after a practice. I'd like to have been a fly on the wall during the initial design meeting for Reebok's ZigTech sneaker. As I imagine it, a number of uninspired ideas get batted around a soulless, windowless room before an underling in the far corner raises a hand sheepishly and says, "Well, we could create a zigzagging sole resembling toothpaste or neon cake fondant.

Of course, the ZigTech was not actually conceived in this way. Bill McInnis, managing director of advanced concepts for Reebok says the brand's newest and arguably most distinctive shoe materialized as a counterpart to the widely popular EasyTone sneaker, which helps tone leg and butt muscles.

In non-sneaker-speak, the toothpaste-inspired sole is a means of energy transfer and return. Think of the sole as a stretched out Slinky, McInnis says. The intended results: more efficient training, and stress on major leg muscles reduced by up to 20 per cent measured by reading electrical feedback on how the muscles fire. This can be a compelling incentive for road warriors who suffer from chronic shin splints or aching hamstrings.

I know whereof I write. So for the past few weeks, I have been taking the sneakers out for a few short runs and power walks.

I can confirm this much: the ZigTech is very cushiony. Rather than mattress soft, the soles yield like Oasis, that green foam you find in floral arrangements. I definitely feel more spring in my stride and they seem to relieve some of the tension I get in my hamstring.

As an unexpected bonus, I feel like they also make me engage my glutes. Still, anyone who is accustomed to a firmer surface should not make the switch. They also feel like an artificial boost: You may be able to run faster but it's the shoes that are responsible, not your own strength or endurance. Pedorthists, experts who can assess how you walk or run and suggest ideal footwear choices, will be the first to point out that individuals may not necessarily know what type of shoe is best for them.


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