C Moon moves back to sub. June 17th - fabbbyyy moves to starting AD carry. Piglet moves to sub. August 15th - S Jynthe moves to starting AD carry. Dardoch moves back to sub. Piglet rejoins. S Arcsecond and S Jynthe move to subs. FeniX leaves. Goldenglue moves back to starting mid laner.
Piglet moves back to AD carry. July 24th - Team Liquid signs Mickey. January 4th - Mickey is moved to Team Liquid Academy. CoreJJ joins. C Croissant joins as the new assistant coach, C Cain moves to strategic coach. May 3rd M Fasffy steps down as a manager. C Jatt leaves the team, C Kold moves to an interim head coach position, C H4xDefender moves to an assistant coach position. July 30th - Santorin returns to the starting roster.
Galactic Gamers. Team Liquid. Welcome to TL" in English. Team SoloMid. Team Dignitas. Neo Blue E-Sports. LoL Esports. Counter Logic Gaming. We found a wild AnDa". Overview Results. Hidden category: Pages with hard coded colors. Contact Us Send an email Chat with us Contact.
This page was last edited on 24 October , at Licenses for other media varies. NRG Esports. Apex Gaming. Gold Coin United. Big Gods Jackals. Team Liquid Academy. Cloud9 Academy. Cody Sun. Echo Fox. Golden Guardians. MikeYeung joins. MikeYeung leaves for academy roster. MrRalleZ joins as substitute. TSM Academy is formed. MrRalleZ leaves for academy roster. Svenskeren joins. Doublelift joins.
WildTurtle moves to substitute. Biofrost joins. Shynon and Swifte join as substitutes. Shynon leaves. Swifte leaves. WildTurtle rejoins. WildTurtle leaves. Valkrin Streamer joins as substitute. Temp Sub. WildTurtle temporary substitute leaves. YellOwStaR joins. YellOwStaR leaves. BillyBoss and Patoy join as substitutes. Arcsecond leaves. Patoy leaves. BillyBoss and Lustboy Analyst leave.
KEITH joins as substitute. KEITH leaves. Dyrus joins. The Rain Man leaves. Dyrus retires and moves to streamer. Santorin joins. Santorin leaves. Lustboy joins. Gleeb moves to substitute. Lustboy retires and moves to analyst. Arcsecond joins as substitute. MegaZero joins as substitute. MegaZero and Ninjaken leave. Ninjaken joins as substitute.
Gleebglarbu joins. Xpecial leaves. Gleeb leaves. Amazing joins. Amazing leaves. Nightblue3 joins as substitute. Nightblue3 leaves. Xpecial joins. TheOddOne retires and moves to coach. Altec joins as substitute. Altec leaves.
Reginald retires and moves to coach. Wingsofdeathx and Dan Dinh Coach leave. Dan Dinh Coach joins as substitute. WildTurtle moves to starting roster. Chaox leaves. The Rain Man joins. Westrice joins. Chaox Support to Bot changes position. Westrice leaves. Locodoco leaves. Saintvicious leaves. FeedFest leaves. Minimum place Show All Show First How is drafting handled? And can they fix their problems in time? TSM Academy. United States.
NA North America. Andy " Reginald " Dinh. Created Top Laner. Mid Laner. Bot Laner. Nov SwordArt joins. Oct SwordArt leaves. Nov Biofrost rejoins. Nov Biofrost is removed from the GCD. Apr Doublelift rejoins. Nov Doublelift retires.
Broken Blade. Nov Broken Blade joins. Nov Broken Blade leaves. Jul Treatz joins from academy roster. Nov Treatz leaves. Nov Shoryu 's draft window is ended early without any signing. Nov Bjergsen joins. Oct Bjergsen Co-Owner retires and moves to head coach. Nov Dardoch joins. May Dardoch leaves.
Nov Kobbe joins. May Kobbe leaves. Jan Akaadian joins from academy roster. Dec Akaadian leaves. Jun Grig joins from academy roster. Dec Grig leaves. Aug Spica joins from academy roster. Nov Zven and mithy join. Nov Zven leaves. Nov Smoothie joins. Nov Smoothie leaves.
Nov SPX 's draft window is ended early without any signing. Dec Mithy leaves. Nov Hauntzer and kaSing join. Nov Hauntzer leaves. Nov MikeYeung joins. Jun MikeYeung leaves for academy roster.
Jul MrRalleZ joins as substitute. Dec TSM Academy is formed. Nov Svenskeren joins. Oct Doublelift joins. May Biofrost joins. Jun Shynon and Swifte join as substitutes. Nov Shynon leaves. Dec WildTurtle rejoins. May WildTurtle leaves. Jan Valkrin Streamer joins as substitute. First time I've heard of this Jonas guy tbh. All that drama. He's a really cool guy. He managed to get all of TSM eatting properly, working out, trying to iron out some of the rage.
He'd wake them up and go to the store and everything. Basically he was a parent in the house. Have you seen the cooking videos? Those videos were from months before he came in. The fact that OddOne isn't shedding his skin like a snake proves that he's got at least one member eating better. They've even admitted what they eat is not really healthy food. Dyrus said on stream how he's got them "eating healthier", and Jonas started laughing and then Dyrus asked "Wait this isn't healthy food?
He pretty much got Oddone drinking water and probably eating slightly normal foods once in awhile. That's about it. He was more there for the teamwork. User Info: reptilesrule. I heard multiple versions of the same story.
One version said that TRM DID believe that such a regimen would work, but he felt it wasn't for him and stepped down because he started to feel like that kind of play wasn't for him. User Info: Dayyhughes. They have a cooking channel too? What the hell is this, the Truman show? I don't drink water and I don't approve of this message. User Info: casperrulez. User Info: anilEhilated. Water has a taste.