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C m E Love is the glorious and everyone shall reach it. F m F m add9 Who ever seeks it, seen and unseen. A open E open I don't wanna reason anymore about the one I love, the one I love.
A open E open I don't wanna reason anymore about God above, God above. A open I just want to melt away, in all His grace. C m Drift away, into that sacred place. A open B C m Where there's no more you and me, no more they and we, just unity. B All dance around, dancing on your thunder. C m Drunk on the wine of love for thee. B Well tell me when will I be blessed to join the blissful company. C m Blissful company goes from sea to sea. B From the depths of the valley to the mountain peaks.
C m B So many stories and so many fables of how the king sings of how the wall wails. C m In Jerusalem to the Holy Himalayas. B From Mount Zion to the hills of Jamaica. C m All land is holy, all land is sacred.