The truth was that the girls, Betty, Abigail, Mercy, Susanna, Ruth, and Mary were dancing in the woods with Tituba, who was conjuring spirits, when Reverend Parris walked up and found them Betty became frightened and fell ill.
The first lie that was started was by Reverend Parris. This story falls in the hands of a teenage girl named abigail where the village rides on her beliefs and will arrest whoever is guilty of witchcraft.
Fear is a great human emotion that can lead to wrong decisions when you can 't escape your problems. The community is frightened by the reports of witchcraft which makes the citizens feel guilty in God 's eyes and believe they will be punished seriously if they don 't take action.
A group of girls caught dancing and practicing forbidden behavior in the forest convinced the magistrates that men and women had sent out their familiars to bewitch the girls.
But it was Macbeth that choice to go down that pathway. The prophecies was never true in the first place. The witches just wanted the king to be dead without there hands getting. In the opening scene, he catches both girls, including some others dancing in the woods. This was very forbidden during this time because of the threat of witchcraft. Especially once they question Tituba and she admits to being a witch. Abigail is to blame for most of the events that have took place in this play.
She is the one who caused the witchcraft to be brought back up because she was dancing in the woods doing witchcraft with other girls. She is the one who made a lot of the bad things to happen. With this petition going around is showing that the court may be wrong, and it is showing weakness from the court. Judge Danforth will do anything to protect him and make sure no one questions the court. When it comes to religious behavior, there is no middle ground.
Proctor failed to prove his competence in religion to Hale. Because they differed perspectives and did not see eye to eye, Hale was intolerant to Proctor. Although it was not proclaimed, at first, Hale did not believe Proctor was straight forward. Hale interrogated him with accusatory remarks. All of this was caused by intolerance from differing beliefs. Pastor Scott Lively has been accused of persecuting homosexuals in Uganda. The morals he follows, which come from the Bible, do not support homosexual actions.
He is intolerant to the ideas of other groups of people. Similarly to Puritan society, anyone differing from the Church is then with the Devil. What are some of these in the movie? D: Well, there are several themes that we can relate to. It all started in the spring of , when a group of adolescent girls claimed the works of black magic within the village. Sparked by interest over such a series of tragic event, Arthur Miller produced an. These themes, such as deception, intolerance, selfishness, power hungriness, and hysteria, can all relate to both how society was in and in In The Crucible, almost every encounter had at least a bit of a stretch of the truth within the conversation.
For example, Abigail claims that she is the only person to see the spirits. The effect. All three of these eras have intolerance, hysteria, reputation, and empowerment woven throughout them. This is one of the reasons they are connected to each other. Intro: What does geography mean to a work of literature? Show More. Read More. Words: - Pages: 6. Revenge In The Crucible Essay Abigail soon begins to believe that she is invulnerable and that she can cry witchcraft upon whomever she wishes.
Words: - Pages: 5. The Conflicts In Act 2 Of The Crucible By Arthur Miller Hale is having an internal conflict about how he should deal with the situation at hand, and he decides to spread the idea of witchcraft that a majority of the town believes. Examples Of Satire In The Crucible Soon everything started getting so bad that Abigail hurt herself to accuse some women of witchcraft because she wanted revenge with what happened with her.
Words: - Pages: 3. The Crucible Poppet Analysis All of the other girls starts to follow Abby, and pretty soon, Abby has the judges believing that Mary is sending her spirit out to attack her. The Crucible The actions of a group of girls causes the whole community to believe there is witchcraft in Salem. Words: - Pages: 4. Related Topics. The Crucible Salem witch trials.