In these cases, the estimates of tax revenues are all on an industry basis, and tourism shares by industry are applied. For taxes on products final sales , an adjusted tourism export share is used that takes into account the fact that 1 these estimates relate only to taxes on final demand expenditures and 2 the travel expenses of Canadian businesses are treated as an intermediate expense and consequently do not generate any taxes on final sales.
Consequently, a special adjustment based on details from the CTSA is made to remove the portion of output supplied to domestic business tourism before calculating the tourism export share. This has the effect of raising the export share of revenue from taxes on products directly attributable to tourism above its share of total tourism spending.
In this case, the estimates of taxes on products final sales are all on a commodity basis, and the tourism shares by commodity are applied. These calculations are done at the most detailed level of the I-O tables. For publication, these details are aggregated so as not to reveal any confidential data. These calculations are also done only for the years for which the CTSA is available. The self-employed are not included in the T4-file.
Contributions to social insurance plans are benchmarked to totals published in the NIEA. Taxes on employment earnings for the province of Quebec are only partially covered by the T4 remittance files. These files include only the federal portion of tax withheld from pay cheques.
There is a The provincial portion is calculated separately using the ratio of provincial to federal income tax paid in Quebec from the Provincial Economic Accounts. This total is distributed by industry according to the distribution of federal taxes on employment earnings in Quebec. The T4 tax files were used up to , while preliminary estimates of tax and contribution totals were used for to Consequently, for , the industry distribution of taxes on employee earnings and social contributions is based on the distributions for Taxes on profits of corporations and government business enterprises and on the net income of unincorporated businesses are also included in the study.
In this case, a distribution of taxes is not available by industry. However, operating surplus, available by industry from IAD, is used to distribute the totals.
This method results in taxes that are proportional to surplus across industries, and applies only for to The distribution for is carried forward for to In the case of unincorporated businesses, the total tax comes from Canada Revenue Agency. The distribution by industry is then established on the industry distribution of mixed income with data for from IAD.
The distribution for is assumed to carry forward to to All taxes on income and contributions to social insurance plans are calculated on an industry basis. The tourism portions are thus estimated using the tourism shares by industry, as described above, both at the total tourism and tourism export levels.
Other taxes on production and taxes on products for intermediate use are available by industry from IAD. Creating ads using iAd is too easy using the iAd workbench. The ready-made tools can help you construct your ads in minutes.
Moreover, you can also make use of your previously conceptualized ad designs. Pre-designed templates can be used to create ad banners or you can make use of your own ideas to build a new one. When users tap your ad banners, they will be directed to the itunes store where they can download the content and return back to where they left. You can also specify the URL to which the user should be directed. Videos can also be generated for your app advertisements which can be viewed by the users either in portrait or landscape orientation.
For producing rich media contents for your ads, you can make use of iAd Producer which allows you to produce videos, animated ads with easy-to-use design templates, blue-prints, button controls and animation tools. The integrated dashboard gives you detailed insights of how your ad campaign is performing. Revmob provides four different ad units which include Full screen, Banner, Popup and Link. Revmob is arguably the highest paying ad network. Most of the users of Revmob have boasted about its highest eCPM yields but still there is a trick hidden in its payment method.
This final figure is considered as eCPM per impressions. Revmob pays per clicks or installs and not for the impressions. In other words, Revmob is a CPI networks which pays you for every download you provide for the advertiser. The dashboard of Revmob allows developers to analyze the performance of their apps by provided detailed information and statistics of impressions, clicks, installs, CTR and eCPM. The real-time dashboard max 10 minutes delay can be used to follow the app performance easily which will help in making adjustments to your campaign to earn better revenue.
Installs: It represents the number of times your advertised app has been downloaded, installed and opened once at the least IR: IR which stands for Install Rate is a calculation based on Number of installs divided by the number of clicks. It can also be said as the percentage of people who have seen ad and ended up downloading it. CTR: Number of clicks divided by the number of impressions. Revenue: The total amount earned by your application. You get paid whenever a user of your app clicks and ad or installs one of the advertised games.
Revmob also allows developers to advertise their own applications into global marketplaces. You can also manually specify the placements of your mobile and web apps based on GEOs, cities, connection type, version of operating system used, support for Android, iOS and Amazon, specific devices smartphones, tablets etc.
Developers can use their own creative ideas or pre-built designed templates to create their ad banners. Developers can test their app system even if their apps are not listed in the iTunes store or Google Play store. Well, after a running through the insights of these two mobile ad networks it is time for us to conclude which one is the best on a universal basis.
Both ad networks favor the developers equally in terms of ad creation, ad campaign targeting and report analysis. The key distinguishing factors are discussed below: First thing is that iAd caters only to the needs of iOS based apps while Revmob supports iOS, Android and Amazon platforms. Considering this fact, Revmob will be useful for app developers who are looking out to bring out an app in both these mobile operating systems. Moreover, web app developers can also reap benefits out of this ad network.
The indicated dividend may be calculated using a number of methods as discussed above. Apple AAPL paid four dividends in In the case of Apple, discussed above, add together the 12 months' worth of dividend payments to get the indicated dividend for the following 12 months.
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I Accept Show Purposes. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Dividend Stocks Guide to Dividend Investing. Stocks Dividend Stocks. What Is an Indicated Dividend? Key Takeaways An indicated dividend is an estimate of the amount of dividends that will be paid in the next 12 months based on the company's prior dividend payments.
An indicated dividend may be based on the most recent dividend annualized, the prior year's dividends projected into the next year, or prior dividends adjusted from a growth or contraction factor.
Knowing the indicated dividend helps investors estimate their income stream, which allows them to create or rebalance their investment portfolio.
Article Sources. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts.