And even though Charles was no longer at their office, his presence still made Jim uncomfortable. David Wallace shows up to talk strategy with their top salesman and Charles. Up until this point, Charles' second in command was Dwight. Dwight helped Charles in every aspect and proved to be good company in the office. But during their meeting with David Wallace, Dwight's true colors came out when he began to talk about nonsense.
Embarrassed, Charles stopped listening to Dwight and called both him and Jim morons. With Charles in the office, Jim tries to keep his nose to the ground and remain focused on work, but it's hard to do when he feels Charles' eyes on him all the time. In one scene, Charles asks Jim for a "rundown. In the meantime, Jim begins researching and asking people what a rundown was. By the end of the episode, Jim was at a loss, made something up, and faxed it to his dad so that it looked like he was faxing it to the distributors.
One of the most awkward scenes in Charles Miner history is when he walked in on a Party Planning Committee meeting. Charles asked what they were doing and Michael insisted that they were coming up with "some great ideas.
However, Charles told Jim to stay seated and whispered to David that Jim was a "disappointment" and that Dwight was his second-hand man.
David was shocked to hear this, so he invited both of them to join. Charles awkwardly says "Dwight, come on in Also, Jim When Charles hosts one of his first conference room meetings without Michael around, Jim and Dwight are up to their usual antics. Sitting side by side, they threw digs at one another while Charles was speaking. Eyes up front," he says. It was then that Dwight knew he had the upper hand. Jim is so cringeworthy around Charles that it's hard to watch.
Nothing he says sounds right and his sense of humor doesn't match Charles'. His entire shtick is a disaster. Jim knew he had to make it better, so he apologized to Charles and let him know that he's "a great number two for the office. Perplexed, Charles wasn't aware there was a number two in the office Jim digs himself into a hole when he claims the position was actually made up for Dwight but then Michael gave him the title instead.
When Charles finds out there are no responsibilities attached to being a "number two," he asks Jim if he wanted to keep the "made-up title. When Michael gives Dunder Mifflin his two weeks notice, he does absolutely nothing to help himself, the person covering his position, or the company. If viewers thought Michael was lazy before, he was even lazier when he was on his way out the door.
Ugh, Tony is better off not staying at the Scranton branch. If anyone out there has a crush on someone, may I politely suggest you don't ruin their personal belongings and tell them you want to have children with them.
This episode was an uncomfortable roller coaster ride from start to finish! If the end wasn't saved by a cute Pam and Jim moment then ohhhh boy, this would have left me in a fetal position after watching it.
You know that feeling when you make a joke and someone barely hears it and asks you to repeat it? But by the time you repeat it, the moment has passed and there is just this lingering awkwardness? Well this moment is that times infinity. This moment is extra hard as Holly was only doing what she thought was right, but was on the wrong end of a prank by Dwight. You'd think Michael would learn from this moment and not just repeat it again in season 5, but then again, there are a lot of things Michael shouldn't do that he ends up doing.
Oh Kevin. This is one of those moments where if this happened to me I feel like I'd just quit, never to return again. Actually, that is how I feel when I watch this moment. Similar to a horror movie when the music gets more dramatic as the killer gets closer, the episode built to Michael breaking the news he can't pay for anyone's college in the most tense way possible. The whole time Michael made his speech to the class, I hid my face in my shirt because I just can't bare to watch!
Season 4, Episode 6: "Branch Wars" Just read the book, dude! Season 2, Episode 2: "Sexual Harassment" Michael had the situation all settled. Season 4, Episode "The Chair Model" You can see the pain on her face as she tries to make the best of this god-awful situation. When Andy's phone went off while he was on stage during his play. Season 7, Episode 3: "Andy's Play" To all of us watching, this is fairly hard to watch. Season 2, Episode "The Injury" If we've learned anything from this cringy moment, it's that Michael brushes his teeth for only 10 seconds.
Season 6, Episode 9: "Double Date" Some advice for anyone reading this, don't date your friend's or coworker's mothers. Season 7, episode "Search Committee: Part 2" This is a historical moment on The Office, as it is one of only a few moments where a character messes up, realizes it, and immediately aborts the plan. Season 3, Episode "Phyllis' Wedding" 1. When Jim defaced a photo of his own daughter to try and get Dwight in trouble for it, but it backfired quickly.
Season 8, Episode "Christmas Wishes" Jim may be a dick sometimes, but he isn't going to get Dwight fired over a prank. When Michael and Dwight tried to push Tony up onto the table. Season 3, Episode 8: "The Merger" This moment seemed like it was never ending. When Michael ruined Holly's Woody doll, then was confronted about it.
Season 7, Episode "Classy Christmas: Part 2" If anyone out there has a crush on someone, may I politely suggest you don't ruin their personal belongings and tell them you want to have children with them. The "Dinner Party" episode as a whole. Season 4, Episode 9: "Dinner Party" This episode was an uncomfortable roller coaster ride from start to finish! Season 5, Episode 1: "Weight Loss: Part 1" This moment is extra hard as Holly was only doing what she thought was right, but was on the wrong end of a prank by Dwight.
Season, Episode 1: "Pilot" You'd think Michael would learn from this moment and not just repeat it again in season 5, but then again, there are a lot of things Michael shouldn't do that he ends up doing. When Michael showed the clip of him on Fundle Bundle in which we get a glimpse of how lonely he has been his whole life.
Season 6, Episode "Scott's Tots" Similar to a horror movie when the music gets more dramatic as the killer gets closer, the episode built to Michael breaking the news he can't pay for anyone's college in the most tense way possible. Teilen Facebook.