Where to find rogue drones in eve

This is a great time to dive into New Eden with Researching the Rogues, which offers daily challenges and rewards, daily login gifts, plus combat and hacking sites until UTC on 4 October.

Rogue Drones have been a regular nuisance and threat in recent years across the cluster, but now Capsuleers are urgently being called upon by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research AIR to defend their research sites from attack by these drone assailants.

The combat sites are designed to be run only by tech 1 frigates, faction frigates, and tech 1 destroyers. On top of all that, there will be free daily rewards for logging in to EVE during Researching the Rogues, with Omega Capsuleers getting even better rewards than Alphas.

Infesting Subvertor Gamma Obviously based on a Thanatos fighter-carrier, infested capital ships of this type have been a quite common feature of powerful hives and extended infestations since a number of the class were subverted during the first rogue drone outbreaks. The Thanatos hull is evidently considered a proven and flexible design by the hive minds, as rogue capital ships based on the class are relatively common.

Even so, it is unclear if this rogue drone capital unit originated as a captured battleship or was built new deep in a rogue infestation zone. Infesting Vector Mu Although relatively light, this is a fast and powerful rogue drone assessed as similar in performance to an assault frigate. Heavily-modified or "mutated" by new rogue drone technology, it is unclear if this drone originated as a captured frigate of some kind or was built new in the depths of a rogue hive.

Overmind Broodlords are powerful vessels that function as mobile superorganisms of rogue drones hosted within the hulk of a capital-class vessel subverted and infested by the swarm. An encounter with one of these Overminds will involve combat with many rogue drone combat types. Overmind Destructors are powerful and aggressive combat drones of very high intelligence.

Deadly in their own right, the Destructor types will typically be accompanied by many subordinate rogue drones. Overmind Interruptors are powerful and aggressive combat drones of very high intelligence. Deadly in their own right, the Interruptor types will typically be accompanied by many subordinate rogue drones. Overmind Progenitors are often to be found at the heart of a rogue drone infestation range and are critical to the continued expansion of a rogue swarm.

Guarded by many powerful and high caste rogue drones, the Progenitor will be the focus of the entire swarm's combat castes if it is threatened.

An assault on an Overmind Progenitor should not be undertaken lightly. This drone is a deadly threat to any intruder careless enough to arouse it. Only later men discovered exactly how - the drones attacked and took over space ships, then used them to jump to other systems, the drones themselves safely hidden within the ship.

Needless to say the super-drone research was soon abandoned by the Gallenteans. The rogue drones soon started behaving very much like other living beings. They constructed a home for themselves, usually deep in some remote asteroid field, and began plans for reproduction. This involved both the mining of asteroids and attacks on unsuspecting mining vessels - all with the intent of gathering the materials needed to expand their homes and to build their own drones.

As the months passed drone lairs popped up in dozen different places and today they can be found in almost every corner of the world, harassing and killing space farers of every sort. As each drone lair is started by a separate mother drone they often evolve in quite different ways. Each new generation of rogue drones shows some new mutations, creating a huge diversity in the shape, size and power for rogue drones.

Recently a new type of drone lair has appeared, commonly called a hulk lair. Eventually these hulks break free from the drone lair that captured them and start drifting out of the asteroid field under their own accord, still inhabited by drones. Hulks like these have often been found drifting in deep space. In areas where rogue drones are numerous and seen as deterrents to normal mining and trade operations, the local authorities have taken it upon themselves to employ armed forces to destroy rogue drone lairs, or at least keep them from spreading too heavily.

Discussions have been held between the empires and within CONCORD about a possible joint effort to rid the world of rogue drones, but these discussions have not let to any concrete deals being made.

Thus, it is still up to the local authorities of any given place to deal with the drones as best they can. Home Universe.


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