To see your current version, click the Gear button or the Help menu and select About Internet Explorer. If you don't see either, press Alt and click the Tools menu that appears. This will open a new InPrivate window.
Browse privately in the new window. Your InPrivate window will not log your browsing history or website data. Any new tabs created in this window will be private as well. This will not protect you from employers or anyone else who may be monitoring your web activity over the network. By default, it will open as a normal window.
Therefore, you need to go to the menu bar where you'll find a symbol at the top right that has three horizontal stripes, just under the cross used to close the windows.
A menu will display various options. Click here to learn more. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. Good Subscriber Account active since Shortcuts. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile. Log out. Smart Home. Social Media. More Button Icon Circle with three vertical dots.
It indicates a way to see more nav menu items inside the site menu by triggering the side menu to open and close. Vivian McCall. It's meant to hide, and not always conclusively at that, your tracks from others with access to the personal computer.
That's it. At their most basic, these features promise that they won't record visited sites to the browsing history, save cookies that show you've been to and logged into sites, or remember credentials like passwords used during sessions. But your traipses through the web are still traceable by Internet providers — and the authorities who serve subpoenas to those entities — employers who control the company network and advertisers who follow your every footstep.
To end that cognitive dissonance, most browsers have added more advanced privacy tools, generically known as "anti-trackers," which block various kinds of bite-sized chunks of code that advertisers and websites use to trace where people go in attempts to compile digital dossiers or serve targeted advertisements. Although it might seem reasonable that a browser's end game would be to craft a system that blends incognito modes with anti-tracking, it's highly unlikely.
Using either private browsing or anti-tracking carries a cost: site passwords aren't saved for the next visit or sites break under the tracker scrubbing. Nor are those costs equal. It's much easier to turn on some level of anti-tracking by default than it would be to do the same for private sessions, as evidenced by the number of browsers that do the former without complaint while none do the latter.
Private browsing will, by necessity, always be a niche, as long as sites rely on cookies for mundane things like log-ins and cart contents.
But the mode remains a useful tool whenever the browser -- and the computer it's on -- are shared. To prove that, we've assembled instructions and insights on using the incognito features -- and anti-tracking tools -- offered by the top four browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft's Chromium-based Edge, Mozilla's Firefox and Apple's Safari. Although incognito may be a synonym to some users for any browser's private mode, Google gets credit for grabbing the word as the feature's snappiest name when it launched the tool in late , just months after Chrome debuted.
Another way is to click on the menu on the upper right - it's the three vertical dots - and select New Incognito Window from the list. Open a new Incognito window in Chrome using keyboard shortcuts or from the menu 1 by choosing New Incognito window 2.
The new Incognito window can be recognized by the dark background and the stylized "spy" icon just to the left of the three-dots menu. Chrome also reminds users of just what Incognito does and doesn't do each time a new window is opened. The message may get tiresome for regular Incognito users, but it may also save a job or reputation; it's important that users remember Incognito doesn't prevent ISPs, businesses, schools and organizations from knowing where customers, workers, students, and others went on the web or what they searched for.
Each time a new Incognito window is opened, Chrome reminds users what Incognito doesn't save. As of Chrome 83, it also puts a toggle on the screen for blocking third-party cookies.
Incognito's introductory screen also displays a toggle -- it's on by default -- along with text that states third-party cookies will be blocked while in the privacy mode. Although cookies are never saved locally as long as the user stays in Incognito, websites have been able to track user movements from site to site while within Incognito. Such tracking might be used, for example, to display ads to a user visiting multiple sites in Incognito.
This third-party cookie blocking, which halts such behavior, debuted in Chrome 83 in May Google has been experimenting with new language on Chrome's Incognito introductory page, but it's yet to make it to the desktop browser. In the Canary build of Chrome on Android, however, the intro now outlines "What Incognito does" and "What Incognito doesn't do," to make the mode's capabilities somewhat clearer to the user.