When was alpha kappa psi founded

At the time of the reorganization there were 32 active medical collegiate chapters, 27 active pharmacy collegiate chapters, and five active medical-pharmacy chapters. The separation of the two groups was not a simple matter, although the rather limited records of the Convention would seem to indicate that such was the case.

Regardless of the problems experienced during the 26 years the union had existed, it must be acknowledged that the two professions created in Kappa Psi an outstanding professional fraternity. Although the Fraternity would hold only one Grand Council Convention between and , the Fraternity continued its growth as a pharmaceutical fraternity under the leadership of Preston W. Richard Bliss, Jr. By the time the next Grand Council Convention was held in the Fraternity had grown into an organization of 35 collegiate chapters.

The s were the Depression years, a period of serious economic deterioration which created many problems for fraternities. Only three collegiate chapters were chartered between and Heber W. Youngken, Jr. At the close of the war there were only about 28 chapters listed as active and most of these had but a few members and depleted treasuries.

Under the able leadership of Frank H. Eby and Ray S. Kelley the Fraternity survived the war years and experienced its most rapid growth period in history. By the total of active chapters was 45 including most of the former chapters which had been reactivated along with a number of new chapters. Since the mids Kappa Psi has settled into its maturity phase, a maturity marked with stability and controlled refinement of its operation.

By the mids there were 54 collegiate active chapters and 21 active graduate chapters. From to the number of active collegiate chapters and graduate chapters remained relatively constant at 60 and Since that time there has been an increase to 82 and 59 respectively. Highlights leading up to the Centennial in included the introduction of the scholarship honors certificates in , the education loan fund in , the national scholarship tray award in , and the admission of female Brothers in The second years has seen the Fraternity computerize its Central Office and continue to broaden its services.

The Kappa Psi Foundation was created in The Fraternity continues to grow in size with over 80, initiates. Over 25 percent of these members were initiated in the last 25 years. This is a great force which represents every important segment of the profession and includes many of the most distinguished names in the annals of American pharmacy. The Agora was first published in by editor, Preston W. Eldridge, and was planned to be printed yearly. However, this never came to pass and The Agora has been printed intermittently since Visit kappapsimask.

The unusual name, The Mask , owes its selection to the historic association with the first membership badge or pin which occurred in the form of a domino or half-mask.

Express your interest here: Click here. Alpha Kappa Psi Society Academic. No elections are currently running. Join Join Please log in to join this organisation. Hills, Grand Vice President.

The Student Loan Fund was set up in A new simplified accounting system was installed in all college chapters. Milwaukee's Schroeder Hotel was the site for the twenty-seventh national convention, September , Chatburn was elected Grand President, W.

O'Callaghan, Grand Vice President. Legislation established the requirement that chapters give all pledges standard examinations. The Executive Committee and the Grand Council were granted extraordinary powers for the duration of the war to cope with emergencies. In , a war status plan, adopted for college chapters which might become dormant during the conflict, provided for the appointment of a faculty member or an alumnus as controller to retain records, rituals, and robes, and to have authority to reactivate the chapter when deemed feasible.

College chapters declined to 18 in number. In , district conferences were postponed indefinitely. The return of students to the colleges began in , but the national convention and conferences were not held.

A Song Number, the March, issue of the Diary, 37 pages, was published. The twenty-eighth national convention, Biltmore Hotel, Atlanta, September , , voted to hold district conferences in each of the years between triennial conventions.

Hills was elected Grand President, and H. Carlstead, Grand Vice President. A Special Handbook number, 3rd edition, pages, made up the November, issue of the Diary. An Alumni Convention and Conference Reserve was established.

Woolever was elected Grand President and J. Lennard, Jr. The fraternity decided to incorporate the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation in the State of Illinois, an action carried out in In the same year Alpha Kappa Psi became the first professional business fraternity to have its own national headquarters building.

The Directory of Business Personnel Available for Employment, published in , was distributed to business firms in the United States. Woolever was reelected Grand President; W. Shroyer, Grand Vice President. Three of the founders, Bergen, Lane, and Wright, were awarded special certificates acknowledging the fraternity's great debt of gratitude to them. Awards were established for faculty members who have taught for twenty-five or more years; for recognition of civic service and achievement; and for service to colleges of business.

A new life membership button was authorized. The January issue of the Diary included "Careers in Business," a series of twenty-three articles. Townsend was elected Grand President; L. Jordan, Grand Vice President; and R. Passinore, Grand Vice President-Alumni.

The Grand Council was authorized, at its discretion, to transfer the Student Loan Fund, accounting award, marketing award, and the award for service to higher education from the fraternity to the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation. A new edition of the Ritual was published. The Handbook, 4th edition, pages, was in the Winter, issue of the Diary. Songs of Alpha Kappa Psi, 4th edition, 48 pages, was published.

An alumni chapter manual was issued in In Seattle, September , , the thirty-second national convention was held. Elected were L. Jordan, President; W. Himstreet, Vice President; and L. Harrington, Vice President-Alumni. Redistricting of the fraternity was to be completed by July 1, the number of regions was increased to twelve; and round trip first class air fare was adopted as the basis for reimbursement of chapter delegates in attendance at national conventions.

The Alumni Activity Fund was established, and alumni chapters were authorized to initiate honorary members. The thirty-third national convention, at the Schroeder Hotel, Milwaukee, August September 1,, empowered the National Vice President to act as chairman and director of the Expansion Committee, responsible for the creation of new college chapters. Hinstreet was elected President; C. Huskinson, Vice President; and W. Weinheimer, Vice President-Alumni.

The Pledge Manual, revised edition, 24 pages, was issued in The Handbook, 5th edition, pages, was in the Autumn issue of the Diary. Elected were W. Weinheimer, President; J. Cahill, Vice President; and J. Wilson, Vice President-Alumni. In the J. Sparks Fellows Program was instituted. Burns, Vice President-Alumni.

Burns resigned that position in November and was succeeded by A. On July 1, , John D. Sparks, Executive Secretary and Editor of the Diary since , retired. Frank J. Brye was appointed his successor as Executive Secretary-Treasurer. In , the first Alpha Kappa Psi filmstrip, "Gateway to Success," illustrating historical scenes and chapter activities, was distributed to chapters. Sparks, was published in January, Legislation included a change from two vice presidents, a vice president and a vice president-alumni, to three vice presidents.

It also separated the Southeast Region into two regions. Brye was appointed to serve in that capacity by the Executive Committee. Wilson was elected President; Donald R. Johansson, Richard H.

Rais, and William D. Reeves, Vice Presidents. On March 1,, the Alpha Kappa Psi group life insurance program was instituted.

Professional fraternities were included in Title IX. The thirty-seventh national convention was in the Sheraton-Peabody Hotel, Memphis, August , Wilson was reelected President; C. Gerretson, Richard H. Reeves became vice presidents. In December, a complaint was filed with the Department of Health, Educations ,and Welfare against thirteen colleges and universities which recognized chapters of a professional business fraternity.

In , the Fraternity Alliance for Inalienable Rights, a seventeen member organization which included Alpha Kappa Psi, was formed to oppose Title IX as it applied to professional fraternities.

The thirty-eighth national convention was in the Radisson South Hotel, Minneapolis, August , Elected President was R. Rais; J. Mark Miller, Arnold L. Stengel were elected Vice Presidents, and W. Reeves reelected Vice President. Slavett, was issued. An Alumni Activities Handbook was published. A write-in campaign to attempt to sway legislators was also begun. At the convention, the Committee on Female Membership moved that the fraternity should bar women, advocating a continuance of the struggle to secure exemptive legislation.

Such a law was introduced in Congress in May, but it was roundly defeated. The convention voted the Board of Directors the authority to change Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution by deletion of the words "must be men and.

The thirty-ninth national convention, Atlanta, August , , elected A. Stengel President; Thomas J. Bastasz, Jerry C. Higginson, and J. Miller, Vice Presidents. Air fare reimbursement for delegates to conventions was changed from round trip first class to round trip coach fare. During this period the fraternity initiated its ,th member. Miller was elected President; T. Bastasz reelected Vice President; Mark R. Malone and Thomas B. Sells, Vice Presidents. It was voted that one vice president should be designated vice president-alumni, beginning in The Regional and National Organization Committee requested that all college and alumni chapters establish permanent mailing addresses.

Miller was reelected President; D. Randal Orr and Allen J. Simonson, Vice Presidents; and James E. Donahue, Vice President-Alumni. Second and Third presentations of the Distinguished Service Awards, bronze and silver, were established. It was recommended that new brothers should be informed as to the importance, purpose, aims, and ideals of alumni chapters.

John D. Cahill was elected President; D. Orr, reelected Vice President; George R. Carnahan, Vice President; and J. Donahue, reelected Vice President-Alumni. It was voted that the minimum pledge period should be five weeks, except for freshmen, whose pledge period was also to be three months unless the regional director saw fit to shorten it because of special local conditions.

Twenty-five year awards were authorized for meritorious service rendered to the fraternity and, in addition, also fifty year awards, these to be conferred for the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation by a chapter on members in the fraternity for that period. The forty-third national convention was in the Clarion Hotel, St.

Louis, August , Cahill was reelected President; G. Carnahan and Carol R. Carter, Vice Presidents; and J. Donahue, reelected Vice President-Alumni, succeeded by H.

Vaughn Harper, June 30, Carter was the first woman elected a national officer of Alpha Kappa Psi. During this period the national headquarters became fully computerized. Carnahan was elected President; Steve B. Warneke, Vice President; C. Carter, reelected Vice President; and Donald W. Green, August 31, The National Alumni Newsletter resumed publication. The Committee on Credentials recommended that organizers of conventions secure corporate sponsorship to help cover convention costs.

The Committee on Finance recommended that an inflow-outflow statement be included with the reports prepared by the independent auditors and made generally available. It was voted that henceforth candidates for national vice presidential posts indicate which office they were seeking; the National President would no longer assign areas to vice presidents. On January 1,, Douglas E. Croft was appointed Director of Membership Services!

The forty-fifth national convention was in the Grand Hotel, Milwaukee, August , Elliott Cunningham was elected President; Stanley E. Pyndus and Wayne R. Miller, Vice Presidents; and A. Green, Vice President-Alumni. It was voted that members of the Executive Committee, exclusive of the National President, should not serve for more than two full consecutive terms. Professional Enhancement Programs, involved with planning and management of projects or money-raising events in Alpha Kappa Psi or on the job, were instituted.

Chapter management workshops were held to help chapter officers perform their duties. Professional consultants in business, general promotion, and conventions were engaged by the fraternity to enhance its quality of services and corporate image. A new logo was designed.

The National Fraternity assumed the management of the John D. Sparks Fellows Program. The Alumni Chapter Expansion Manual detailed methods for generating new alumni chapters. The Alumni Marketing Plan was distributed. A Pledge Manual, which covered aspects of fraternity life, including history, traditions, customs, awards, and parliamentary procedures; and a Rush Kit, to help chapters bring in new members, were issued. Sparks Headquarters Building.

In addition to this move to a new location, the national office added support services of a national convention planner, an advertising agency, computer consultants, a managing editor and publisher for the Diary, and a marketing and telemarketing group to assist with alumni dues billing.

Cunningham was reelected President; D. Simonson was elected Vice President - Alumni. It was voted that the budget for the General Fund must be in balance. The Officers Manual was adopted as the official guide for operation of college chapters. It was designated that the month of April become "Alumni Awareness Month. He resigned from that post on September 1, , and accepted the newly-created position of Executive Development Director for the Fraternity and the Foundation, to raise funds for both organizations.

Brye gave up the Fraternity post on December 31, , but continued to serve the Foundation until March, Gary L. Epperson, CAE, was appointed Executive Director of the Fraternity on September 3, , the fourth full-time chief executive the Fraternity has had in its history. Hastey was elected President; R. Spansky and L. Muller, Vice Presidents; and J. Fournier, Vice President-Alumni. An amendment that the A. Psi Constitution and Statutory By-Laws be revised was passed.

Since New York State no longer required a Director-at-Large of the corporation, an amendment that the post be removed from the Constitution was passed; these amendments were to take effect at the National Convention.

By amendment, the Board of Directors was to consist of the National President, the three National Vice Presidents, and the five at-large directors, none of whom was to hold office in any other capacity in the fraternity, a change to take place at the convention.

For an orderly transition from one Board to the next, it was suggested that the newly-elected National Officers and the Regional Directors at this convention elect the five at-large directors for two-year terms. The duly elected leadership could select the Board of Directors for the interim period before the next convention, when the National Chapter could elect a full Board of Directors.

The John D. Sparks Fellows Award was to include a certificate and a pin to be given at each national convention. Members of the National Management Team were to meet annually for planning purposes and, as member delegates, elect the Board of Directors of the Fraternity. They will elect a Chairman and such other corporate officers as are deemed necessary, to be elected annually from among their own members. The Board will also appoint three of its members as the Executive Council Committee.

The first elected Board of Directors will consist of three directors serving a one-year term, three serving a two-year term, and three serving a three-year term. The number of terms a member may serve is restricted only by the vote of the National Management Team. The Chairman of the Board and the other elected officers are to serve one-year terms in the office they hold. Executive Committee members also serve for one-year terms. Once nine candidates were elected, a drawing to determine the terms of office was held.

The candidates' last names were arranged in alphabetical order. Nine slips of paper, three labeled "one-year term," three labeled "two-year term," and three labeled "three-year term" were placed in a hat. The first slip drawn was linked to the first name on the list, and so on until all names had been given a term of office.

In subsequent e1ections in each year, three seats will be up for election, with a three-year term of office. Elections are held at national conventions or, in non-convention years, at the National Management Team's annual planning sessions.

The Board of Directors serves as the supreme executive, legislative, and judicial body of the Fraternity between meetings of the National Chapter.

Davenport was elected President; M. Dudley, Vice President-Alumni. It is a corporation pursuant to the provisions of the Indiana Nonprofit Corporation Act of , as amended. It was voted that the Fraternity should not be bound by any legislation to host a National Convention or a National Chapter Meeting in New York City in observance of the organization's th Anniversary.

It was decided that the Fraternity would observe this Anniversary in a time, place, and fashion deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors, based upon recommendations of the National Management Team. Some reasons for moving the legal location of A. Psi were: to be closer to its legal counsel, its accountants and financial advisors, to take advantage of Indiana's favorable laws for non-profit organizations, and to have its legal residence in the same location as its physical residence.

It was voted that the Board of Directors acquire general liability insurance for student and alumni chapters and assess them for its cost. A new pledge manual was issued in January, , 17 pages. Davenport was reelected President; J. Rouse, M. Moore, and M. Balicasmaya elected Vice Presidents, and M. As recommended by the Regional and National Organization Committee, all responsibility for alumni programming was voted moved from the Fraternity to the Foundation, with an implementation date of July 1, As of the first Diary published after July 1, , its publication, together with associated costs, is transferred to the Foundation, including publication and distribution of the journal.

Distribution will include all current annual donors and life members, whether grandfathered in as of July 1st or recognized thereafter, as well as anyone who has purchased a lifetime subscription. Every two years a National President is to be elected by the National Chapter. There are to be four Vice Presidents, elected by the National Chapter, to supervise particular regions rather than to perform specific tasks.

Regional directors will, every two years, be elected by their regions at their respective Success Institutes. District Directors are to be eliminated, and every chapter will have a chapter advisor.

Regional Managers will be appointed to cover designated areas of expertise: finance, membership, technology, expansion, chapter relations, and alumni. Chapter Advisors, Sectional Directors, and Managers, who are to be appointed, will report to the Regional Directors, who will report to the Vice Presidents.

In turn they will report to the President, who submits reports to the Chief Executive Officer. He will report to the Board of Directors. Recognition by the Foundation as an alumni chapter member requires only an annual contribution by the alumnus. For this contribution no services or goods are received; the contribution would, however, aid in the funding of regular communication with Foundation donors.

No restrictions are placed on alumni chapters or organized collegiate booster groups in assessing local dues to participating or voting members. And in May, , the 14th region of the Fraternity was officially established in the United Kingdom.

CEO G. Epperson; Chairman of the Board, D. Wendroff; National President, M. Moore; Foundation Vice President, R. Lee and five other brothers traveled to the United Kingdom to help with the installation. Chavez, P. Gallagher, N. Huebner and C. Steffens were elected as National Vice Presidents. Brother Carol R. The new logo and corporate identity program for the Fraternity was unveiled to the National Chapter. The new Volunteer Recognition Program was initiated and Brothers Wendroff and Davenport presented the jewelry to past and current volunteers.

Comprehensive legislation to update the Constitution and Statutory Code focused on: 1. Giving authority to the Regional Management Teams in making decisions regarding termination of members for financial delinquency among members; 2. Providing clear understanding and procedures for the removal of chapter officers for any reason within a college chapter; 3. Providing an official step-by-step road map for all areas of member discipline so to alleviate much confusion, disparity and uncertainty between the Constitution and Statutory Code, Chapter Bylaws and the Board of Directors Statement of Policy and; 4.


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