Perhaps more important is the general recognition that age brings its equal shares of ups and downs; there is no, overall, prime of your life. The more heartening news is that some of the less welcome pitfalls are less inevitable than you might imagine.
Exercise, in particular, not only ensures longer physical fitness, and fights a range of age-related diseases like diabetes and cancer, but also strengthens a weakening memory too. People in good health also enjoy about five more years of sexual activity at the end of the life.
Some people report feeling younger than their years — a youthful outlook that can cause them to be more active, and live longer as a consequence. Nothing can help us reverse the process of ageing. But by mapping the terrain and acknowledging the highs as well as the lows, we can at least make it a more pleasant journey.
Another peak may be yet to come. Health Biology. Share using Email. By David Robson 26th May Is ageing an inevitable decline — or are there unexpected perks to getting older? David Robson reports. Remember that study in Germany that found year-olds were particularly satisfied with their lives? After a dip in middle age, life satisfaction peaked again at about 69 years old. Even more intriguing, people over 60 had better life satisfaction than people 55 and up predicted they would feel five years down the line.
It turns out people's scores on multiple-choice vocabulary tests keep climbing into their late 60s and early 70s. And you don't need to sit around reading the dictionary all day to make it happen — although it can't hurt. In a Gallup survey, two-thirds of Americans over 65 said they always like the way they look. It turns out life really is the best classroom.
A team of psychologists asked people to read about a conflict, then asked them questions about it. The scientists analyzed the responses for characteristics like being able to see from someone else's point of view, anticipating change, considering multiple possible turnouts, acknowledging uncertainty, and searching for compromise. They found that the oldest group they studied — people who were between 60 and 90 — did better than other ages on almost every count.
In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, scientists asked people to picture a step ladder, with the best possible life on the top rung and the worst possible life on the bottom rung.
The oldest group they studied to year-olds gave the highest average rung number, about 7. There really is something daunting about approaching a round-numbered birthday.
Researchers looking at people who were 29, 39, 49, or 59 found that they were more likely to make a big life change — good or bad. They found that these "9-enders" were overrepresented in groups of people seeking to have an affair, people killing themselves, and people running a marathon for the first time.
Read the original article on Business Insider UK. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Start your Independent Premium subscription today. More about Ageing. We shall recover again some or all of the steadfastness and dignity of the old religious life. It is the dramatic impulse of childhood endeavouring to bring life into the dulness of the serious hours.
Woman is mistress of the art of completely embittering the life of the person on whom she depends. New Word List Word List. Save This Word! See synonyms for prime of life on Thesaurus. We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms. Words nearby prime of life prime meridian , prime minister , prime mover , prime number , prime number theorem , prime of life , primer , prime rate , prime ribs , primero , primers.