When is chocolate milkshake day? Figure out how many days till chocolate milkshake day. Dates available for the next 10 years A milkshake is a cold beverage made by blending ice cream or milk with flavorings and sweetening agents. You can make the classic chocolate milkshake by mixing cocoa powder or chocolate syrup with ice cream or milk.
Milkshakes date back to when the term first appeared in print. However, there is a significant difference between the milkshakes of that time and what people consume today. The original milkshakes had considerable similarity with present-day eggnog, a blend of whiskey, eggs, and various flavorings and spices.
Inventor Earl Prince used the basic concept behind the freon-cooled automated ice cream machine to develop the Multimixer, a "five-spindled mixer that could produce five milkshakes at once, all automatically, and dispense them at the pull of a lever into awaiting paper cups. Have fun. Not necessarily! Many people use almond milk or milk alternatives to create virtually the same product. Many restaurants and fast food places serve discounted chocolate milkshakes for National Chocolate Milkshake Day.
Plenty of restaurants around the globe are celebrating this holiday with discounts and buy one get ones. Bring someone you like and enjoy a glass together like a couple of hip youngsters. All you need is ice cream, milk, and chocolate sauce!
You can make it extra special with tons of awesome recipes online. Open up your world to a new kind of milkshake, try a malted version! You can find a plethora of creative and enticing milkshake recipes online to give you inspiration for your tasty dairy treat. Representing a part of history, chocolate milkshakes bring us back to a world of poodle skirts and jukeboxes with a certain whimsical appeal we just love. We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate.
Holiday survey data is powered by TOP Agency. Skip to content View the calendar. Today Thursday. November French Armistice Day.
French Historical. National Education Day. Forgot your password? Get help. Password recovery. Holidays Calendar. Vanilla Milkshake Day is a day celebrated on June 20th. It would take 3. The electric blender was invented specifically for making milkshakes. Currently, the strawberry milkshake is without its own holiday, but we think February 20th would be a good day for it.