What is the difference between trojan and virus

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It has malicious intent. A trojan is a program that is run by deceiving the user into appearing to be something legitimate, but has malicious intent. How are these different? To get a user to install a virus doesn't it always require appearing as something legitimate?

Or does a trojan program run as expected so for example if it was a game it would work fine but have done something malicious without the user knowing, whereas a virus wouldn't? Traditionally a virus is malware which uses the infected host to replicate itself to other systems, i.

It gets usually not knowingly executed by the user but gets executed when the user opens an infected file, runs an infected program etc. A trojan is a malware which claims to be something different, like some malware claiming to be a virus scanner. It counts on the user to execute it knowingly by believing what the software claims to be.

In common language often any kind of malware is simply called virus, i. For example a virus scanner also cares about all types of malware, not only viruses. These terms have a great deal of overlap and should not be understood to be mutually exclusive of each other. The vocabulary used to describe different forms of malicious software developed organically as researchers described what they were finding to each other as well as distilling the concepts into recognizable terms for people unfamiliar with computers.

It's a piece of code that attaches itself to a program or file enabling it to spread to several computers, and infecting computers as it spreads. Like a human virus basically.

A Trojan is a harmful piece of software that looks legitimate. Users are typically tricked into loading and executing it on their systems. After it is activated, it can achieve any number of attacks on the host. Trojans are also known to create back doors to give malicious users access to the system. If you intentionally download something that turns out to be harmful or not what you were expecting, it's generally considered a Trojan.

This is on account of the fact that you invited it inside your perimeter, as in the story of the Trojan Horse. This type of potentially harmful program is commonly downloaded via email attachment or sometimes attached to fake or pirated commercial software. It's often some form of key-logger or improvised remote administration tool designed to subvert the victims personal or financial privacy.

A virus is basically is generally semi-autonomous, self replicating, and usually designed to spread to as many machines as possible. It's not necessarily even harmful to infected hosts. Viruses and Trojans aren't necessarily exclusive factions either. Theoretically, its possible to be both, if the criteria is met. They're just names assigned to generalised groups of attributes to facilitate easier communication of ideas.

A computer virus is malware that's capable of infecting a computer but has to rely on some other means to propagate. A true virus can spread from the infected computer to a non-infected computer only by attaching to some form of executable code that's passed between them. For example, a virus could be hidden in a PDF file attached to an e-mail message.

Some of the concealment techniques include:. Renaming the malware to resemble files that are normally present. The idea is to take down a network by flooding it with traffic.

That traffic comes from your infected computer and others. This Trojan targets your already-infected computer. It downloads and installs new versions of malicious programs. These can include Trojans and adware. This Trojan seeks a ransom to undo damage it has done to your computer. This Trojan can give an attacker full control over your computer via a remote network connection.

Its uses include stealing your information or spying on you. A rootkit aims to hide or obscure an object on your infected computer. The idea? To extend the time a malicious program runs on your device. This type of Trojan infects your mobile device and can send and intercept text messages. Texts to premium-rate numbers can drive up your phone costs. This Trojan takes aim at your financial accounts.

That includes banking, credit card, and bill pay data. Trojan malware attacks can inflict a lot of damage. At the same time, Trojans continue to evolve. Here are three examples. They can also impact your mobile devices, including cell phones and tablets. In general, a Trojan comes attached to what looks like a legitimate program. In reality, it is a fake version of the app, loaded up with malware.

Cybercriminals will usually place them on unofficial and pirate app markets for unsuspecting users to download. In addition, these apps can also steal information from your device, and generate revenue by sending premium SMS texts. One form of Trojan malware has targeted Android devices specifically. The result? Cybercriminals could redirect traffic on the Wi-Fi-connected devices and use it to commit various crimes. Trojans take their name from the hollow wooden horse that the Greeks hid inside of during the Trojan War.

The Trojans, thinking the horse was a gift, opened their walled city to accept it, allowing the Greeks to come out of hiding at night to attack the sleeping Trojans. All rights reserved. Firefox is a trademark of Mozilla Foundation.

App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon. Microsoft and the Window logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U. The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3. Many of these viruses are resident on memory.

Any uninfected executable which runs becomes infected after the memory becomes infected. Types of infector viruses with known files include Jerusalem and Cascade.

Viruses in the boot sector infect a disc system area — that is, the boot record on floppy discs and hard discs. All floppy disks and hard discs including data-only discs contain a small programme in the boot record running when the computer starts. Boot sector viruses bind to this section of the disc and trigger when the user attempts to boot from the infected disc. Such viruses are still in fact resident in memory.

Most were written for DOS, but all PCs are possible targets of this type of virus, irrespective of the operating system. All you need to get infected is to try to start your machine with an infected floppy disc afterward because the virus stays in memory, all non-writing-protected floppy discs will get infected when you touch the floppy disc. Multipartite viruses also called polypartite infect all boot records and programme files. They are particularly tough to fix. The boot area will be reinjected, if the boot area is cleaned but the files are not.

The same applies to the cleaning up of contaminated files. If the virus is not removed from the boot region it will reinject any files you have cleaned. One Half, Emperor, Anthrax, and Tequilla are examples of multipartite viruses. By design, a worm is like a virus and is considered to be a virus subclass. Worms spread from computer to computer, but it has the ability to travel without any human action, unlike a virus.

The greatest danger with a worm is its ability to reproduce itself on your machine, so it could send hundreds or thousands of copies of itself, rather than your computer sending out a single worm, causing a massive devastating effect. For example, a worm will send a copy of itself to everyone mentioned in your e-mail address book.

The worm then replicates and sends itself out to everybody listed in the address book of each receiver, and the manifest continues down the line. In recent worm attacks like the much talked about Blaster Worm, the worm is designed to tunnel into your machine and allow malicious users to remotely control your computer. A Trojan Horse is capable of just as much trickery as it was called after the mythological Trojan Horse. The Trojan Horse will appear to be a useful software at first glance but will do damage once it has been installed or running on your computer.

The results can vary when a Trojan is enabled on your computer. Trojans are also known to create a backdoor on your computer that allows malicious users to access your system and potentially lead to compromising confidential or personal information.

Unlike viruses and worms, Trojans neither reproduce nor self-replicate by infecting other files. Trojan horses are impostors--files that claim to be something desirable malicious.

A very imp distinction virusesdo not replicate themselves, as viruses do. In the event of a cyber-attack, cyber insurance, also known as cyber liability insurance, is advantageous as a kind of financial mitigation. A growing number of businesses and organisations see shifting some of their IT workloads to the public cloud as not just a smart decision, but also a critical component of their overall IT strategy.


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