Learn Product Management and Marketing FWD app enables anyone to acquire industry-ready product management and growth skills. View all stories. Product Management. Finding your brand voice: The content strategy growth hack. Better Life. Brand books, why are they so important? What can a Brand Book for your brand? This distinction is relevant for anyone performing competitor analysis — marketing managers, analysts, digital marketing agencies, etc.
Say you are providing competitor analysis for a restaurant, then you would more than likely review the other restaurants that are either near to yours or that have a similar genre. You would consider all other restaurants in Portsmouth and especially other Italian restaurants in Portsmouth — but you might broaden the search to other Italian restaurants within reasonable driving distance too. These restaurants are substitutes.
Report copyright infringement. The owner of it will not be notified. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. Read more comments. Substitute would mean that thing that you're replacing with is equal in some way. Alternative doesn't neccessarily have to be similar, it could just be another option.
For example, you might alternate between being optimistic and realistic, meaning you are going back and forth between those two perspectives. The Macquarie Dictionary uses the example of day and night alternating indefinitely. It means taking turns or switching back and forth. To return to our earlier road trip example, you could alternate i.