What is the difference between quality and skill

This table provides some examples for you. What do you think about the skills and qualities highlighted by carers and summarised in Table 3. Have you thought about the personal qualities that you possess and how you might use these? What skills and qualities have you developed through your caring experiences? What other skills do you have?

The skills we saw listed for Lesley, Scott and Jade result from all their experiences gained through education, their work and their caring roles. Go to Activity 3. Once you have completed the activity, make sure you save the document again. This activity invites you to think about how your experiences highlight the skills and qualities you have developed. Pick an event or a point in your timeline when you had to take action to resolve something.

It could be something to do with caring, your family, your work, or practical issues like housing and money. If you are not using your Reflection Log use this table to do the activity. Make a list of what you did and then think about what skills you used, and the qualities that you have that may have helped you. If you are doing this course as part of a group or with a mentor then you can share your answers and discuss your notes with others.

The aim of this session was to get you thinking about how your experiences, particularly those you have had as a carer , have helped you develop skills and qualities.

Have you been able to recognise the skills and abilities that you have developed as a carer? Do you share those highlighted by the carers in this session?

Do you have other qualities that your caring role has helped you to develop? You have now completed Session 3. You will explore these ideas further in Sessions 5 and 6 where carers explore how the skills, abilities and qualities developed in their caring role informed their learning paths and enhanced employability.

To conclude this part of the course and consolidate your learning you may like to complete the practice quiz. If you need a reminder about the quizzes and the criteria for getting a badge, visit How to complete the course quizzes. Session 4: Thinking about my learning path. Except for third party materials and otherwise stated see terms and conditions , this content is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.

The material acknowledged below is Proprietary and used under licence not subject to Creative Commons Licence. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading This entry was posted in Audiences. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. The difference between skills and qualities is often not clear-cut.

Combining skills and qualities is often the best way to turn them into valuable attributes in the workplace. The natural talker we looked at in the previous example may have the makings of a great presenter — but without practice, training and nurturing, there may be many elements of good presenting that they lack.

For example, they need to learn how to maintain focus and relevance when presenting in a professional setting. Now you understand the difference between skills and qualities, find out more about the things you need for a successful working life in our working life section.

Sign in with Success at School to save your favourite jobs, careers advice and courses, build your CV, record your work experience and talk to employers and unis in our forums. Register with Success at School to save your favourite jobs, careers advice and courses, build your CV, record your work experience and talk to employers and unis in our forums. Check your inbox for the email and click on the confirmation link and login to Success at School. Check your inbox for an email with the subject "Action Required: Please Confirm Your Success at School Account" from the email address team successatschool.

If you still don't see the email, click on the re-send confirmation email button below. Login Re-send confirmation email. Sign up with Success at School to save your favourite jobs, tips and courses, build your CV, and have your say in our Student Space.

We've just sent you an email! Please check your inbox and click the link in the message from Success at School so we know we have the right details. It may take up to 5 minutes to arrive. It means that you do not sit and wait for things to happen or common to you, you make things happen and you make things come to you.

You are always taking the first step when required, and are never idle in the face of obstacles or challenges. Management and organisational skills are essential personal attributes which are required in most, if not all, jobs. Research has shown that most projects and tasks fail because of mismanagement. Proper management of time, resources and focus can really do wonders in the workplace and make most projects, activities and organisations successful.

Employers are looking for people that are willing to learn and develop their skills and qualities further. The best way to indicate your willingness to learn is by stating on your CV that you are taking on this position in order to grow professionally, personally or technically whichever are applicable. Stress levels and pressure vary from one job to another, for example when comparing the job of a surgeon to that of a cleaner. Employers are interested to know whether these candidates will crack under pressure or stay calm and carry out the tasks efficiently.

One way to reassure prospective employers of your ability to handle pressure is to make mention of it in your CV by giving real-world examples of instances in which you demonstrated having this ability. Flexibility is important because whole industries, let alone individual jobs, are constantly changing. This may be driven by competition, changing customer expectations or technology.

It is for this reason that flexibility is a highly desired personal quality in any job candidate. Can you handle new situations? Can you adapt to whatever circumstances you are presented with?

Can you complete a task in more than just one way? Depending on what which traits you are mentioning, there are three places on your CV in which you can mention your personal attributes:.

Personal qualities, traits, attributes and skills make you the person you are. Writing important personal attributes, such as having excellent interpersonal skills or the ability to work under pressure, can really supercharge your CV.


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