Now we need to register our MBean implementation to the MBean server. We can keep any name of our class. After registering MBean, I will keep the thread running until we modify the thread count to 0 through jconsole, that will be the logic to end our application. When I run the above program, it registers our MBean implementation to the platform MBean server and keeps on printing following lines on console.
To start JConsole, all you need to do is open a terminal window and run jconsole command. JConsole allows to create local connection as well as connection to remote processes, you will be able to see our program name in the list of local processes.
Just chose the application and click on Connect button, once connected go to MBean tab and you will see that we can change the value of threadCount and schemaName dynamically and any value changed there will be reflected in console where our application is running.
We are also presented with the methods that we can invoke. As soon as you will change the threadCount to 0, the application will exit the do-while loop and terminate. I have one question 1. What is Jconsole role here, is it agent or monitor? Who is acting as a MBean server? If I run this on STS. Wonderful description about JMX. It gave clear picture what JMX is and how we can use it. Looking forward to read your other articles :. NdsPlatform has identified runtime environment as JUnit.
NotCompliantMBeanException: com. SystemConfig: Class com. Excelent post! I had no idea what JMX was…but now I know what it is in 5 minutes!!! Thanks a lot Mr. Hi Pankaj, Great tutorial! One thing you might add as a Windows tidbit…If your MBean server application runs as Administrator, then you also need to run JConsole as Administrator.
It would be very useful if you can update the example with SSL? I could not find an example anywhere on how to do this with SSL. Thanks Pankaj for the beautiful explanation. But I am not a connect from Jconsole ,I am using windows 7. When I connect insecurely it simply says cannot connect. Do I have to do any setting changes. Thanks a lot Pankaj. I have one question , can you give some exaple how we can expose JMX api vai apache camel.
Seriously very good. Did not have any idea about JMX till now and the this tutorial gave me a decent confidence. Thanks Pankaj. After 10 years in java, this is the first tutorial I read about MBeans and it was crystal clear.
Your email address will not be published. Prev Java jar seal packages. Pankaj I love Open Source technologies and writing about my experience about them is my passion.
Follow Author. Comments Veera says:. October 6, at pm. July 21, at am. Niraj says:. March 16, at pm. December 12, at pm. August 10, at am. Doncho says:. When you disable password authentication, you can also disable SSL, as described in Disabling Security.
SSL is enabled by default when you enable remote monitoring and management. You use the command-line utility keytool to work with certificates. The general procedure is as follows.
Request a signed certificate from a certificate authority CA with the keytool -certreq command. Import the certificate into your keystore with the keytool -import command. See Importing Certificates in the keytool documentation. A full explanation of configuring and customizing SSL is beyond the scope of this document, but you generally need to set the system properties described in the list below. For more information about setting system properties, see Setting System Properties above, or consult the following documents.
This allows clients with the appropriate SSL certificates to get the connector stub that is registered in the RMI registry. The default value of this property is false. However, it is recommended that you set this property to true. If this property is set to true , then to have full security, you must also enable SSL client authentication, as described in the next section.
It is recommended that you set this property to true. This configuration requires that the client system have a valid digital certificate. Password authentication will still be required unless you disable it, as specified in Disabling Password Authentication. To disable both password authentication and SSL namely to disable all security , you should set the following system properties when you start the Java VM. Caution - This configuration is insecure: any remote user who knows or guesses your port number and host name will be able to monitor and control your Java applications and platform.
Furthermore, possible harm is not limited to the operations you define in your MBeans. A remote client could create a javax. In other words, a rogue remote client could make your Java application execute arbitrary code. Consequently, while disabling security might be acceptable for development, it is strongly recommended that you do not disable security for production systems. To monitor a remote application with SSL disabled, you would start JConsole with the following command.
You can also omit the host name and port number, and enter them in the dialog box that JConsole provides. To monitor a remote application with SSL enabled, you need to set up the truststore on the system where JConsole is running and configure SSL properly. For example, you can create a keystore as described in the JSSE Guide and start your application called Server in this example with the following commands.
If you created the keystore and started Server as shown above, then you would have to start JConsole as follows. The above configuration authenticates the server only. If SSL client authentication is set up, you will need to provide a similar keystore for JConsole's keys, and an appropriate truststore for the application. The password and access files control security for remote monitoring and management. For more information on the format, see the API reference for the java.
Properties package. The password file defines the different roles and their passwords. The access control file jmxremote. To be functional, a role must have an entry in both the password and the access files. The JRE implementation contains a password file template named jmxremote.
You must ensure that only the owner has read and write permissions on this file, since it contains the passwords in clear text. For security reasons, the system checks that the file is only readable by the owner and exits with an error if it is not. Thus in a multiple-user environment, you should store the password file in private location such as your home directory. Property names are roles, and the associated value is the role's password.
For example, the following are sample entries in the password file. On Solaris, Linux, or Mac OS X operating systems, you can set the file permissions for the password file by running the following command. By default, the access file is named jmxremote. Property names are identities from the same space as the password file. The associated value must be either readonly or readwrite. The access file defines roles and their access levels. By default, the access file defines the two following primary roles.
An access control entry consists of a role name and an associated access level. The role name cannot contain spaces or tabs and must correspond to an entry in the password file. The access level can be either one of the following. For monitoring, this means that a remote client in this role can read measurements but cannot perform any action that changes the environment of the running program. The remote client can also listen to MBean notifications. This access should be granted to only trusted clients, since they can potentially interfere with the operation of an application.
A role should have only one entry in the access file. If a role has no entry, it has no access. If a role has multiple entries, then the last entry takes precedence. Typical predefined roles in the access file resemble the following. You can set out-of-the-box monitoring and management properties in a configuration file or on the command line. Properties specified on the command line override properties in a configuration file.
The Java VM reads this file if either of the command-line properties com. You can specify a different location for the configuration file with the following command-line option.
Table describes all the out-of-the-box monitoring and management properties. JConsole can use this connector if it is started by the same user as the user that started the agent.
No password or access files are checked for requests coming via this connector. By default, the SSL, password, and access file properties are used for this connector. It also enables local monitoring as described for the com. Used in conjunction with com. If this property is true and the property com. If this property is false then JMX does not use passwords or access files: all users are allowed all access.
Specifies location for password file. If com. Otherwise, the password file must exist and be in the valid format. If the password file is empty or nonexistent, then no access is allowed.
Specifies location for the access file. If you need to customize some subsystems, you could either:. Disassemble the services provided by this support agent into separate agents and configure them individually. You can set the following properties on the agent. Whether the agent should try locating an MBeanServer instance before creating one.
Whether the agent should try locating an RmiRegistry instance before creating one. Unless there is a RmiRegistry explicitly created on the port defined by the connector-server URI, this must be set to true which is the default.
If not specified, remote access is not restricted. To set the server ID, you set the -M-Dmule. You can also set it in your web. This element takes the following attributes:. Whether to ignore notifications for state changes on the Mule manager such as initializing, starting, and stopping.
Whether to ignore notifications for state changes on models such as models initializing, starting, and stopping or components being registered or unregistered. Whether to ignore notifications for state changes on components such as when a component is started, stopped, paused, or resumed. Whether to ignore notifications when a connector attempts to connect to its underlying resource.
Notifications are fired when a connection is made, released, or the connection attempt fails. Whether to ignore notifications fired by objects to custom notification listeners. Whether to ignore administrative notifications about requests being received by the Mule Admin agent. These are usually trigged by MuleClient calls using the RemoteDispatcher, which proxies calls to a remote server.
Whether to ignore message notifications. These notifications are fired when an event is sent or received in the system. They are very good for tracing, but they create a performance impact, so they should only be used during testing. This agent routes server notifications to a specified endpoint URI. For example:.