Windows uses a system folder called WinSxS to store files that are needed for your Windows installation, as well as backups or updates to those files. It's a space hog, however, taking up several gigabytes of space and growing with each Windows Update you perform. Use the steps below to clean up unnecessary files in that WinSxS folder and reclaim valuable hard drive space.
You can't just delete everything in the WinSxS folder, because some of those files are needed for Windows to run and update reliably.
However, with Windows 7 and above you can use the built-in Disk Cleanup tool to delete older versions of Windows updates you no longer need. With Windows 8. Get answers from your peers along with millions of IT pros who visit Spiceworks. Hello Everyone, I was hoping someone could help me cleanup the winsxs folder on the C drive of a few servers. Background The C drive's on a few of the servers I support are almost full.
The winsxs folder is at about 25 Gb's full right now. But the file would not download. Any thought's? Best Answer. Pure Capsaicin. Windows Server expert. View this "Best Answer" in the replies below ». Popular Topics in Windows Server. Spiceworks Help Desk. The help desk software for IT. Track users' IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. Learn More ». Ghost Chili. Sid Phiilips wrote: Ccleaner maybe?
You can use these in conjunction with Disk Cleanup in Windows to maximize your available space. There is only so much disk space you can save by removing these files. Other methods you can use to save disk space include:. Windows creates a system snapshot when it is in hibernation mode.
You can easily deactivate this function to free up additional disk space. Move user profiles and program files from your system to an external hard drive. A cloud storage solution lets you safely store massive amounts of data offsite. Utilize cloud storage that allows you to seamlessly access data from any device with an internet connection.
Keep an eye out for any duplicate files and remove them. Third-party apps can help you automatically discover and delete duplicate files. A system reset is a great option if cleaning up your Windows folders does not deliver the desired results. You can also conduct a reset that ensures your installed programs and personal files will remain intact. You want a fast, efficient system, and performing WinSxS cleanup offers a terrific starting point for achieving your goal.
The cleanup process can be beneficial, but you need to plan accordingly for it. The urge to conduct a comprehensive WinSxS cleanup can be overwhelming. Problems you may encounter if you remove important system files during WinSxS cleanup include:. It helps to periodically organize your WinSxS files, see which ones are required, and remove those you do not need.
This allows you to consistently keep your system running at top levels. A digital file deletion device can help you remove unwanted files from your system, letting you instantly delete any system files you choose.
Your system disk space is limited, and you want to make the most of it. The Shred Cube helps you do just that. Shred Cube is a permanent file erasure device that securely removes excess data. It lets you quickly and effortlessly delete unwanted files from your system, with the guarantee that they will never be recovered. Contact us today for more information about our digital file shredding solution.
Skip to content. Published on: March 3, by: Alex Stieb.