How many swallows migrate

The main reason swallows undertake this lengthy journey is not just to get away from the cold weather of the UK for the winter, but because their main food source of flies and insects is in short supply in the UK, through the winter months.

By travelling to a warmer country where there are plenty of insects, they can continue to feed and survive all year around. During the summer months, the UK however is the perfect home for swallows and they are able to enjoy a veritable feast in the form all of the insects and other bugs that are found here. These bugs are particularly bountiful on farmlands, in fields and in meadows where swallows can feed throughout spring and summer.

This rich food supply is especially important because at this time of year, when swallows are making their all important preparations for the journey, farmers are harvesting. In the north of England, up until the s, they believed that killing a swallow would lead to cows producing bloody milk or no milk at all. And all of this down to a small bird that is not much bigger than a matchbox. They may not cause bloody milk, but male swallows do have a darker side. Male swallows go to extreme efforts to ensure that their genes are passed on to the next generation.

Unfortunately, swallows also indicate the end of the summer when they depart for warmer climes and that is where our swallows are currently headed. Swallows undertake an impressive mile migration between the UK and South Africa twice a year in search of food. Marshside This fantastic wetland site is located north of Southport town centre and has some of the best wildlife in the region.

Lytchett Fields The reserve has seen more than thirty species of wading birds. Arne Heathland home to more than species. Get out, get busy and get wild! Fun factoids for all the family Find out more about the nature and wildlife outside your window.

The journey swallows make European swallows spend the winter in Africa south of the Sahara, in Arabia and in the Indian sub-continent. Share this page Facebook Facebook Created with Sketch.

Twitter Pinterest. You might also be interested in. Population trends. They flutter about restlessly, and often gather on telegraph wires. Most leave the UK during September, with early broods of youngsters being the first to go. But a few stragglers may hang around into October.

The return journey to Africa takes about six weeks. Swallows from different parts of Europe fly to different destinations. Ours end up in the very south. They travel down through western France and eastern Spain into Morocco, before crossing the Sahara Desert and the Congo rainforest — finally reaching South Africa and Namibia. Swallows migrate during daylight, flying quite low and covering about km miles each day.

At night they roost in huge flocks in reed-beds at traditional stopover spots. Nonetheless, many die of starvation. If they survive, they can live for up to sixteen years.


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