Characteristics, and Recent Developments of the Political System From to , Mali was governed by a government resulting from a military coup. Elected twice unopposed, the president governed as a dictator, supported by the only legal political party, the Democratic Union of the Malian People UDPM , founded in These elections were won by ADEMA, the Alliance for Democracy in Mali, which obtained 75 parliamentary seats out of a total of and whose presidential candidate also won.
In accordance with the terms of this constitution, the president, elected for five years, appoints the prime minister who selects the members of his cabinet. The National Assembly comprises members also elected for five years.
Mali is divided into seven administrative regions plus Bamako, the capital district. Agriculture in Mali The Malian economy is basically agricultural. Harvest levels depend almost entirely on changes in climate and on floods of the Niger and its tributaries. Most of the production is by small farmers engaged in subsistence farming. The main food crops are millet, rice, sorghum, and corn. Peanuts, cotton and sugar cane are produced for export. Livestock rearing is also very important.
Droughts make vegetation rare in Mali. With rapid population growth, the increasing need for fire wood has led to large scale deforestation.
In addition to the discontent caused by the economic crisis and the unpopularity of the structural adjustment plans carried out at the start of , there has been strong desire for democracy. In the new president took over a disintegrating national economy. He got IMF aid and in September parliament voted a law in favor of the privatization of public enterprises and increasing financial control of the state over them.
In September , after consultations with political parties and trade unions, the government announced a series of measures aimed at reducing the deficit. The devaluation of the CFA Franc in January and the adoption of an austerity policy increased hardship on the population even though they helped reduce the government deficit. In and the country was shaken by student demonstrations.
Regional consultations made it possible to reopen schools and the university and to reestablish social peace necessary for an economic upturn. The new government has shown its willingness to settle each conflict by negotiation. Its efforts to strengthen democracy are however threatened by the persistence of economic problems.
In IMF approved a third annual loan aimed at supporting its economic stabilization policy as well as structural reforms. Since then reform of the public sector has been pursued, inflation is moderate and the economy has continued to grow. The weak industrial and agricultural sectors are nonetheless a source of worry. On-going Decentralization Process Background, Objectives, and Legal Framework As it has been practized in Mali since , decentralization involves the creation of new subnational entities regions, districts, townships freely governed by elected councils, and the transfer of certain decision-making powers to the regional level.
Privatization and trade liberalization accompany this process especially since For the period, this strategy includes the following priorities:. Working in partnership with the World Bank, IFC in Mali is also involved with technical assistance projects that seek to improve the operations of small and medium enterprises and the business climate.
Between and September It will provide an additional , persons with access to safe water. It also works closely with the private sector, civil society, municipalities, and universities.
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The World Bank in Mali The World Bank portfolio is supporting Mali in addressing its economic challenges with a focus on education, health, agriculture, and energy. Mali Overview Results in the Sahel. Political Situation Mali has been experiencing instability and conflict since the military coup of and the occupation of the north by armed groups.
For the period, this strategy includes the following priorities: Helping with the COVID response by providing assistance to the banking sector and microfinance institutions; Restructuring and restoring the viability of the private sector so as to mitigate the impact of the crisis on real sector enterprises and financial institutions by focusing on energy sector investments and supporting reforms in the telecom and digital finance sectors; Supporting the recovery and rebuilding of the economy by promoting reforms to improve the business environment, with the aim of boosting investment in infrastructure, agriculture, and agribusiness and promoting financial inclusion.
Last Updated: Oct 26, Between and September 88, households received quarterly cash transfers in the Gao, Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso, Segou, Mopti, and Timbuktu regions and in the district of Bamako. The project introduced mobile payments in early in all its intervention areas and 10, households are receiving quarterly mobile cash transfers. Some 96, households, 88, These beneficiary households represent , individuals who are receiving these payments: By , the total number of program beneficiaries in Bamako will exceed 1.
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