This has implications for proofreading. I know what the text is supposed to say and my brain does a great job of auto-correcting. I see what is supposed to be there, instead of what really is there.
This is one of the reasons I like Grammarly. It reads your text for the first time, every time, and has no idea of your intent. Cameron Cole. January 27, at am. The first time I ran across it was when the company I had been working for was bought out and we were meeting the new management team. They had our entire shift in the meeting room and put this on the board at the front.
They went through and asked us to raise our hands and lower them when they said the number we counted. By the time they got to 6, I was the only one with my hand up. I kept thinking it had to be some kind of joke when my coworkers started dropping their hands! Then I had to come up front and point each one out. They never did explain the point of this exercise to us.
Thank you for shedding some light on it for me! Derek Smith. Hi Cameron, Cool story — thanks for sharing. Well done for getting it right! February 23, at pm. Haha, not fair. Yes, I counted 3. This is great and it comes at a perfect time.
I am really focusing on improving my Spanish because I plan to retire from the military in the next 3 years and I want to travel South America teaching English.
This seems like a great resource to help me in both fronts, thanks for the information! February 23, at am. A similar version of this riddle was first shown to me and my classmates during fifth grade English class many years ago, haha as the only question on our proof reading test. Although all of my classmates wrote their answer and handed in their test at the front of the class almost immediately, I was suspicious. I also had developed a strong affection for writing and proof reading.
I sat at my desk, reading the sentence over, and over, and over before feeling confident that my initial answer was correct: three. There were six Fs, not three!
I was the only one in my class to pass that test. When I saw the teacher five years later as a sophomore in high school, she said she still used that exam for proofreading in her fifth grade English class, and there had only been one other student after me to pass it.
How crazy is that?! I really like that you broke down the assessment of the riddle and explained the real reason why people so often miss the other three Fs. I appreciate even more that you clarify intelligence has nothing to do with it!
Great post! I will definitely be stopping in often to fulfill my English-nerd desires and improve my writing ability! Hi Liz, Thanks for your great story. Most people count three of them, so much for perception, but it does not say anything about your IQ. Whoever counts the six 'F' the first time is a genius, four is rather frequent, five is rather rare, three is normal.
Less than three, and you must change glasses ; - For some obscure resaons, we or our brain do not count the "f" in "of", maybe because the phonetic is similar to "ov", or because during quick reading the brain focus on "lexical" words, and not so much on "grammatical" words. This page provides some examples how Linking words, e. Conjunctions are used, to connect your ideas, so that your sentences and paragraphs are coherent. Further help are these 50 Rules for Writing Good - which uses a paradoxical approach, and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Start - Smart Jokes.