Important: Do not modify the file structure inside the cards folders. For example, copying only the media files. AAF Conform. Metadata Settings Tape Name box Select an option to determine how the tape name is set when importing clips. Tape Name from File Name Use the name of the imported file as the tape name.
Tape Name from Directory Determine the tape name from the detected directory structure. Tape Name from Essence Use the tape name inferred from the directory structure of the clip. Clip Settings Clip Name box Select how the clip is named when the file is imported.
Clip Name from File Name Use the name of the imported file as the clip name. Clip Name from Essence Use the clip name inferred from the directory structure of the clip. Image Settings Aspect Ratio box Select the aspect ratio assigned to imported clips. Enter Pixel and Enter Aspect affect pixel and frame a pixel and frame aspect ratios respectively.
You might need to change the aspect ratio as many applications erroneously write to exported files a pixel aspect ratio of 1 a square pixel , even for formats that have non-square pixels NTSC, PAL. Aspect Ratio field Enter the aspect ratio of the imported frames, as a Width:Height ratio. This setting ensures that the right decoder is used for this. The Auto setting selects the colour decoder based on the resolution of the clip: Rec. Specifying the wrong colour space results in colours that are off.
Note: This setting has no impact on media that is not YUV. The Media Browser shows different sets of metadata for different formats. When a shot or take is recorded requiring more than the file size limit of a medium, a file-based camcorder starts another file, and continues recording the shot to that file without interruption.
This is referred to as clip spanning because the shot spans more than one file or clip. Similarly, a file-based camcorder sometimes spans a shot across clips on different cards or disks, if the camcorder has more than one card or disk loaded.
It records the shot until it runs out of room on the first medium, then starts a new file on the next medium with available space, and continues recording the shot to it.
Although a single shot or take can be recorded to a group of multiple spanned clips, it is designed to be treated as a single clip. It will import all the clips within a shot on a card when you select any one of them, provided none of the spanned clips is missing and the relevant XML is present. When one or more spanned clips are missing from a shot, Premiere Pro will import one or more of them depending on where the missing clips fall within the shot.
To import a group of spanned clips, select one of them to import all of them. If you select more than one spanned clip, you will import duplicates of the whole group of spanned clips as duplicate clips in the Project panel. If the group of spanned clips itself spans two P2 or XDCAM EX cards, copy the full directory trees from them both to same-level folders on the hard disk before importing. For P2 media only, you can alternatively import clips spanning two P2 cards if both cards are simultaneously mounted to your computer.
Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now. Importing assets from tapeless formats Search. Adobe Premiere Pro User Guide. Select an article: Select an article:. On this page Import assets from file-based sources with Media Browser About spanned clips. Applies to: Adobe Premiere Pro. Learn the essentials of importing assets from tapeless formats using the Media Browser.
They're identical in the minimum spec. All of this information is based on Sony's own testing. Although both are 12 cm in diameter and 1. Professional Disc media capacity is They have different file formatting, track pitch and pickup specifications, in addition to different mechanical requirements.
The Professional Disc is a new medium capable of storing a variety of formats. Therefore, Sony expects that the optical disc, as a new medium, will supplement and reinforce existing videotape. There are application areas where tape media is quite suitable, and areas where disc technology is more suitable. Sony anticipates that Professional Disc media and tape will coexist for years to come. XDCAM Professional Disc systems are intended for all video applications including newsgathering, production, postproduction, event videography, and so on.
Formatting, which creates a file system, is required for brand new discs; however, this is a very quick process that is done when the disc is inserted into a camcorder or deck. Because this happens so quickly, an end user will not be aware that the disc is being formatted. XDCAM products operate as well as if not better than current VTRs and tape-based camcorders operate when used in the same environment ex.
The disc media is fully rewriteable, and always appends new recordings after the last clip, regardless of what clip was being viewed. Even then, you can delete the last clip or all clips on the disc to free up needed space. Yes, there is write protection tab on the disc cartridge. At this time, there are no plans to develop a bulk eraser type of machine.
Unless desired for security purposes, there is no need to bulk erase data because unlike tape, directly overwriting data on discs does not degrade quality. The cartridge is made of polycarbonate and the storage case is made of polypropylene. Sony warranties Professional Disc media from defects in material or workmanship for 90 days.
See actual warranty for details. Yes, adhesive labels, including bar code labels, can be attached to the front of the cartridge. Since recordings on Professional Disc media are not made using magnetic material like tape, or light sensitive material like film, it is highly unlikely that magnetic fields or X-ray scanners will affect the media.
A polycarbonate cartridge shields the disc from dust and helps prevent the disc from being scratched. Even if a disc is accidentally scratched, robust error correction enables data on the disc to be played out.
If the scratched portion of the disc happens to contain the file system, the data that allows access to all other data on a disc, a mirrored file system is located on the disc in a different physical location allowing the XDCAM system to access files.
However, just as with videotape, if the damage is too severe for error correction to recover, or if the media is broken into pieces, there is no way to recover data. We support secondary suppliers for optical disc media. Please contact TDK for details. In the decks, Sony's recommended replacement interval for the laser is 6, hours of operation recording and playback combined. This corresponds to three years of use at a constant eight hours a day, five days a week, 50 weeks a year.
On the camcorders, the interval is 4, hours of operation. These replacement intervals are based upon Sony's simulation of normal usage. Sony optical products constantly monitor the laser's health by checking the current to the laser. As the laser approaches the end of its life, the current will fall out of tolerance, triggering an alarm. In this way, you can replace the laser before failure occurs.
It depends. The replacement item is not the laser itself, but an optical block that includes the laser. Replacing and adjusting the optical block requires no special skill.
But the installer would require a special measurement tool called an Autocollimator. However, Sony does not expect that a customer will want to buy an Autocollimator for such infrequent servicing. Incredibly well. Thanks to non-contact recording and playback, the XDCAM system has nothing that would cause the sticking that interferes with videotape operation.
However, in Sony's own tests the camcorders have been shown to operate as long as there is no condensation or dew on the surface of the disc. Should condensation exist on media while in a camcorder or deck, the user will be prompted with a HUMID alarm. One other hidden benefit of the media type is that even when moisture appears on the surface, there are no permanent effects. With other media types utilizing pins for contact, often when those pins come in contact with moisture, they have a tendency to short out, causing loss of data.
Yes, Sony XDCAM camcorders use rubber dampers to hold the disc drive block in place, thereby minimizing the effect of any shock or vibration. In addition, a tracking system, based on the best Sony servo technologies, reduces the chance of the optical head recording off track. In the event a shock exceeds the servo's capacity, causing the head to move off track, recording continues in a buffer memory until the head is positioned properly.
Once the head is back on track, the buffered information is recorded to disc. A substantial amount of buffering is built into the camcorder to operate in harsh environments.
The emergency recovery system is designed to restore as much AV data as possible even if the file system is not closed properly. If power is suddenly lost during a recording, the AV data can be recovered automatically once power is reapplied.
When this type of recovery occurs, the duration of a lost recording is a maximum of four 4 seconds from the time just before power was lost. The system controller automatically stops recording and closes the file system before the full exhaustion of the battery. The camcorder also provides customizable battery settings for notifying the operator when battery power is below a desired level.
Approximately 3. Tape camcorders take around four seconds. XDCAM products automatically confirm laser-writing conditions by checking the focus servo, tracking servo, reflection of laser beam, and laser power.
An alarm will alert you if an unusual condition is detected. Because optical recording is fundamentally different from tape recording, there is no traditional playback confidence monitoring. Is Metadata transferred together with proxy AV? This function also works at high data transmission speeds via the Gigabit Ethernet or i. LINK file access mode interface. Direct file access on the disc is provided over the i. Since it occurs over the i.