Since the warrior when setup as described above will not work very hard to hold aggro, it is possible for the bard to keep it by using chants, provided that the warrior is not sent in too early in the fight. The usefulness of maintaining a warrior merc wanes at higher levels unless the bard still plans to use chant kiting as his or her main soloing method as opposed to the mass DS killing methods that become available with a cleric merc.
Cleric merc usually works the best, since the beastlord's ability to heal targets other than its pet is quite limited, and since the pet already does adequate damage and makes an excellent tank. For the early game, a beastlord warder with pet toys and a cleric merc supporting it will generally tear apart appropriately leveled foes with ease. Using a the cleric merc from the start also allows the beastlord character to tank more easily while rising in levels, allowing for faster skill-ups in defense and quicker preparation for later-game moloing techniques.
At the higher levels, the beastlord will want to keep mobs slowed while sharing some tanking responsibilities with the warder, depending on how many mobs are in the fight at a time.
Cleric merc, almost without question. The berserker is a fragile fighter unless highly equipped, and kiting by throwing axes is not very practical at the higher levels unless it is assisted by other players. Even with the extra DPS from a pursuing warrior merc in Assist mode, it's unlikely for this method to be either more efficient or less tedious than using a cleric merc and letting the berserker melee the mobs to death.
The cleric merc makes conventional tanking more feasible for the berserker against mobs that are not too deadly, typically allowing for a much faster killing speed than throwing axes would.
At the very lowest levels, as for most classes, a warrior merc can also work for tanking purposes, since healing may not be necessary for every battle. Most clerics take a warrior merc at all levels. The benefits of doing so are huge, adding badly-needed DPS and tanking to the cleric's arsenal.
For all but the most ambitious soloing clerics, that is the standard procedure: the cleric treats the warrior merc similarly to a human-controlled or boxed warrior, and provides it with healing while it whittles down foes. When aggro is firmly established, the cleric can help out the damage by supporting the combat effort with melee attacks and the occasional nuke. It is possible that a diehard battle cleric might choose a cleric merc instead, but the sheer redundancy of the abilities and the loss of offtanking options still make warrior mercs preferable even for most modern battle-cleric setups that involve Vows.
Warrior merc generally works best. Druids are the only class who can leverage the warrior merc both for a standard tank-it-to-death strategy or for the aggro kiting strategy sometimes used by Necromancers and others.
For tanking and healing, the druid provides potent damage shield effects for the mercenary and applies nukes and DoTs to make the foes die faster, while keeping an eye on the warrior merc's health at all times.
Although they're becoming increasingly rare due to the relative lack of growth in the druid's melee abilities, it is possible that a diehard battle druid might want to use a cleric merc instead of the warrior. Cleric merc is typical except at low levels. Most enchanter soloing strategies e. In the early levels, warrior mercs can survive fights well enough without healing to be useful as a distraction while the enchanter's magic helps defeat foes and keeps too many from hitting the warrior at once.
At higher levels, many enchanters use a caster merc instead of cleric and go completely without heals. This method is very effective for more dps. Cleric merc is the overwhelmingly better choice in most situations, since it provides much better healing than the magician can at most level ranges and also grants HP buffs for the elemental pet. At the lowest levels, a warrior merc may also be appropriate, if desired, for the extra damage. With the availability of pet toys , however, low level magicians rarely need too much help in that department.
Cleric merc makes the most sense in almost every case, even from the early levels. The monk hits hard, tanks decently, and has numerous survival tricks up its sleeve, and all of these traits mesh well with the buffing and healing the cleric merc provides. One possible exception is a low- to mid-level monk who is twinked with survival-enhancing equipment like a fungi and powerful AC and HP items.
Much a monk might consider using a warrior instead and managing it so that it doesn't draw too much aggro, in order to gain extra DPS while any defensive and healing needs are covered by equipment.
You may need one single-boxing like I do with my druid , but then when adding the second box, make it one which is a tank, or has a pet which can tank. They are VERY weak at high levels. Tatanka , Apr 19, IblisTheMage , Apr 19, Yes, certainly. That depends on your definition of fun, I suppose.
My suggestion for easiest class to solo to i. I never even hired a mercenary. Qbert , Apr 19, The real answer here is no, not to There may technically be ways to do it, but just don't. It would be absolute hell. Mintalie , Apr 19, Not sure why some people respond about f2p, when you didn't mention it. I soloed a bunch of tunes to , no problem. Well I boxed a lot too, which helps and is more fun, but you don't need to do that.
If you're just talking levels and AAs, I have no idea why someone would say you couldn't, it's the same as it always was. Now, gear is going to be tougher to get for you of course. Play on FV like I do and you can get raid gear cheap and solo much easier. I don't even use a merc with my BL and solo easily. Buds , Apr 20, Skewert likes this. Fluid , Apr 20, Returned after a long absense as 84 chanter.
Old guild was still there, all Willing to take me along to soak XP, but being in content where you can contribute zip and any mob taking notice of you insta-kills you is just no fun.
I tried charm-solo with cleric merc, it was insanely slow. Around 90, I set up a second account with a heroic druid, and started rolling HAs. It was like strapping on a jet pack. I later set up a 3rd account with heroic mage, and got her to in no time, then I could easily box any name in EoK.
Yeah molo is possible. But you will burn out before long. You cannot get that in a single player atmosphere. An incredible 26 full expansions have been released for EverQuest. EverQuest came out in It invited thousands of adventurers to the fantasy realm of Norrath to kill monsters and loot dungeons. Twenty years later, it is still alive. The game was in development by the Daybreak Game Company, but the project was terminated in The developers had stated an intention to return to a style of gameplay more like the original EverQuest, while retaining the advances in MMORPG design that have developed in the years since that game first launched.
Mercenaries are NPCs for hire. Hire a mercenary that takes up a group slot, has a monetary fee and takes a small slice of experience from fighting. To use a mercenary you must have purchased the account feature, Mercenaries, from the Marketplace or was included with the purchase of Age of Discovery. Enchanter do solo very well at higher levels, but nothing compares with the xp from a full group and with the right group you can do very good camps later on.
Also in a full group paired with a good cleric and tank, will be very helpful when charm breaks happen. Hateborne likes this. All on windows 10 and all have run multiple sessions with no worries. You can, of course, play EverQuest for free—the game is still available, and still seeing regular expansions and content updates, nearly two decades after its release. Can you play EverQuest solo? Can EverQuest be played offline? Do people still play EverQuest?